[center][img]http://photo.modepueppchen.com/de/1/4/moy/2551.jpg[/img] Mari Onaz 26 Female Author Writing, reading, drawing, and messing around on her computer. Is a very kind and loving kind of girl. She can be very serious at times when she needs to be, but she isn't very social. She can be a bit bossy at times, but not all the time. In certain situations, she can have panic attacks. She graduated from high school when she was only 16, having skipped a grade or two. She went to college at the age of 18 for writing. Moving out of her parent's house at 25, she's had a hard year paying the bills and has decided she needs someone to help her. A flatmate.[/center] [center][b][u]Character Sheet![/u][/b][/center] [center]Appearance: Name: Age: (at least 23 please) Gender: (male please) Job: Hobbies: Personality: Short Backstory: [/center]