A record system would be most welcome. I like the 10% idea. [quote=@Rilla] You'll probably remember that. Hahaha. The biggest thing will be the records themselves for players. it will be cool if we can have them under our names or something, with an opt out/in option. Oh Hi! Melon! My girlfriend has actually been helping me redevelop Kei'Taro. Adding some old tattos and some new ones, as well as tweaking Kusanagi with the addition of two abilities. [/quote] KKeeeiiitaaarooooooo! His sword is rad. I remember being surprised back in the day that it wasn't being used as a primary means of attack. If I remember correctly, I spent an unhealthy amount of time working out how to not get stabbed to death by it, only to get attacked by fire instead. What tweaks do you have planned?