Veracruz asked about their point of entry, a valid query as the team were spoiled for choice. There were dozens, maybe hundreds, of entry points to the temple, but none of them seemed to stand out any more than the others. Fenrir picked one at random, a grassy field that led to one of the long bridges into the temple, trying to surreptitiously make it look like he hadn't just picked it at random. Better the team thought he had actually planned all this in advance. "There. I'll swoop in low to the plain whereupon Princess Beast, Thorn, Warpath, Moxy, Veracruz and myself will embark while the cruiser is still in motion. Twilight will take the helm, and she, Quantum and Domini will fly to the other side of the temple and make a diversionary attack, dragging all attention from us. We'll use the chaos to sneak into the temple and take Ra's prisoner, hopefully before anyone is any the wiser that the real attack isn't coming from the cruiser. We'll stay in radio contact at all times, and when we're ready to evacuate Twilight will break off the diversionary attack and be ready to pick us up. When the League realize we have the Demon's Head then they will have no choice but to back off. They know me, know my work, and know I wont hesitate to slit Ra's throat if I have to." It was a simple plan, simple plans quite often being the best in Fenrir's experience. Far less to go wrong. Of course it all relied on the League taking the bait that team on the cruiser would be giving them. That's why he had set two of his heaviest hitters there, to really grab the Leagues attention. Quantum and Twilight could make a lot of noise between them, and though she hadn't been tested yet reports showed that Domini could pull her weight as well. Ra's would be forced to send much of his forces to oppose them. Even if he did leave guards in Fenrir's team's path it would only be a skeletal force. He was just bringing the cruiser in for its approach to the drop zone when Domini asked what was the point of this attack. A dozen answers leaped into Fenrir's mind, some of them truthful, most of them not. He didn't want to have to explain himself here, not to some green recruit. Especially not when the real reason they were here was so selfish and self serving. In the end he decided upon aggressively ignoring the question. "You're here because I say so, your time for questioning that has long passed" He snarled towards the alien hybrid. If she had anything else to say on the matter then she had missed her chance, the drop-zone coming upon them quickly. Fenrir's fingers tapped at the keys in front of him, the cruiser's drop ramp folding open. "Now team, embark!" With that the team picked to infiltrate the temple evacuated the cruiser quickly and efficiently, Twilight taking the helm as soon as Fenrir left his seat and flying the cruiser to the opposite side of the temple to begin their attack. Fenrir crouched upon the grassy plain with the remnants of his team, waiting patiently for the first sign of the cruisers attacks. When it finally came he lead the Outsiders down the stone bridge into the old temple. From here he could see much of the luster upon Nanda Parbat didn't stand up under closer inspection. The stonework was crumbling, old statues covered in dust and cobwebs, moss and ivy clinging to just about every surface moss or ivy can cling too. Like all things, nature eventually reclaims that which man has wrought. They delved into the darkness of the temple, the wolfman's nose twitching, searching for any sign of their foes. He got nothing, but that meant very little when dealing with the League. He had learnt first hand just how well they were at avoiding detection. He allowed his team mates a few moments for their eyes to grow accustomed to the gloom before moving them on. "Stay close to me and Thorn," He muttered to Belle. The girls training was coming on in leaps and bounds, her control of her bestial form becoming more impressive by the day, but she seemed to have a better grasp of it when physically close to those she was emotionally close with. The decision to keep her close to him was one born of a desire to protect the team from Belle as it was one to protect Belle from the League. Deeper and deeper they delved into the twisting, labyrinthine corridors, with still no sign of their enemy. Eventually they came to a large atrium, ceiling so high he could hardly discern it's shadowy roof. A tiered balcony hugged the edges of the wall, pillars spaced evenly along its length. There were three doorways to the atrium on this level, including the one they had entered. Fenrir was in the process of deciding whether he should split the team or not when he heard a soft padding from the balconies above. His head jerked up and he knew they had walked into an ambush. "Outsiders, beware!" He roared as dozens of League assassins dropped all around them, each armed and ready for blood. Shuriken flew from all directions. Fenrir leapt to meet the assassins, his own combat knife flashing in the gloom as he move with furious sped to meet the attacks of two of the assassins. Elsewhere the Cruiser was meeting stiff resistance. Despite their dislike from modern weaponry the Leagues assassins were using rifles and RPG's to try and blow the Cruiser out of the skies. Screeching could be heard as a squadron of man-bat commandos leapt from the crumbling towers to hurtle towards the flying craft.