[quote=@Leidenschaft] Can you describe the basic things about the aesthetics of where we're supposed to come from? Also, the name of said place, of where we're supposed to come from? What are the names of the two Empires? You said that the technology level is equivalent to around the fall of Rome, but does the technology [i]look[/i] Roman? You use vaguely Latin words, so is it safe to say whichever Empire we're serving is vaguely inspired by Rome? Are we loyalists or are we hunting the Ferryman down to bring him to justice? I think it'd help me and the others formulate characters if we knew a bit more about the world our characters live in. [/quote] Ill address it fully in the OOC thread Im writing up, but here's a bit of a summary: The two main nations in conflict for so long are Horatica Nova, a republic in name but under the subtle dictatorship of the Princeps, and Teleucia, a large empire governed by Satraps answering to a Great King. Their continent sits in the east, with Teleucia dominating its rival in size and population by twice as much or more. They've been at war on and off for the past four decades, and are currently in a state of ceasefire. However, the bulk of this story will be taking place over the sea to the west, to where Asyrdar has escaped. Yes, things are vaguely inspired by Rome, but imagine a Rome in which magic is present (though not common by any means, and very often volatile and dangerous). Technology generally sits at late-Roman level, with the most common metals still being iron and bronze, though many facets of life - including the level of technology - have been modified and enhanced by the work of those attending the so-called Academia Imperialis. The Academia is what it sounds like - a place of study. Everything from engineering, agriculture, military strategy, and sailing is taught at the Academia, and many find it a goal to attend in one capacity or another. There are three main 'collegia' to the Academia: the War College, the Scholastica Civilitas (School of Civil Arts), and the Naval Academy. Each school has made breakthroughs in research and philosophical discourse that put certain aspects of life far beyond that of Rome. This is mainly in the field of civilian infrastructure, but there are military breakthroughs as well IE low-quality steel some several hundred years before IRL history would date it. It is also the place where those with magical affinity are sent - its dangerous nature requires years of formal training, and the State can and does execute those who will not comply. As for characters, I am lenient so long as the idea works. You could be amongst those with a personal grudge against Asyrdar, you might be an agent from Teleucia sent to save or murder the man (depending on where you come from). The initial mission will certainly be 'hunt him down'. But the outcome will be up in the air; Im leaving this organic, so it can and will stray from the ideas I have for my own book.