After the sorting finished the final remarks from the headmistress were given and the houses were sent to their common rooms. Devin had gathered the first years in front of him at the head of the table. First he went over some basic stuff like what time meals are ready and some other clerical things the students would need to know. "Now that we got that out of the way we can get to the tour!" He said to the smiling first years. A few gave a chip cheer while others returned to a nervous sort of stance. He began to talk school tips as they made their way towards the staircases. "I may be a very bias source, but according to sources close to me you all are pretty lucky to be in Griffyndor. We usually get assigned Potions right after lunch which means the homework has an extra break period before being due and lets you share notes before tests. I wouldn't sweat History of Magic class since the tests are almost always based on the last few readings. Happy to share some other nuggets of knowledge, but we can get to them later. For now we are going to play a little ice breaking game I like to call." Devin clapped his hands as the group reached the first staircase. "The seven trials of Griffyndor!!!!!" Devin gave a big smile as he led the small group up the first flight of stairs. "Each painting at the end of the staircase will feature an classic icon of the Griffyndor culture. Here is the first!" The painting they now stood in front was one that Devin personally enjoyed. "Might I introduce Barnabas the Barmy the man who tried to teach trolls how to dance." This got the group to let out a giggle while the painting laughed along. "It would have been the greatest of my achievements young Devin." The painting explained. "I see this years batch of students shows promise, do you think they have what it takes to make it to the top?" The first years smiled and didn't even wait for Devin to answer. "I like how they don't think of you as an actual upper classman. Shows they got an eye for understanding who to actually follow. I will warn you now kids if you listen to what this prefect says you are likely to fall into a endless dark spiral with choice after choice you make drawing you ever closer to a life of enjoying school and making friends." The group then moved on to one painting after another. Some gave honest advice about tricks of the school while others simply joked around. By the time the first years were at the portrait protecting the Gryffyndor common room everyone knew everyone's name. A few inside jokes had been created, and none of the first years had any sort of nervous look around them. Instead they were talking amongst them selves laughing along. In fact this was a new tradition Devin hoped to pass on as it was similar to something a teacher he did at a academic summer camp a few years back. After he shared the password the first years were welcomed to a little gathering cheer from some of upper classmen of the house. Roaring with fun, friends, and a festival atmosphere Devin felt that while there were plenty of wet blankets at the school he would never let them rain on his enjoyment of Hogwarts. Especially if it might be his last year.