[i][b][color=FF00FF]Katia[/color][/b][/i] Hearing Teiji couldn’t hear anything in the halls made Katia feel a little relieved that there was not a horde of those things on the other side of the door just waiting to munch on their tasty flesh. It was then Teiji asked if she would mind if they dropped by his place to check on his younger siblings. [color=FF00FF] “That’s okay, I’d want to do the same in your place.”[/color] she stated nodding once to show her agreement to his request, not that she’d of said no anyway. Still she found it slightly amusing that his young siblings would find something like this awesome. [color=FF00FF] “Why would they think this is awesome?”[/color] Katia asked unable to keep her curiosity in check. It was then Katia thought of her own family back in England. She hoped they were okay but if this plague of undead was also in her homeland she was very much aware they might very much be amongst the growing ranks of the undead. It bothered that might be the case and she couldn’t even found out. She thought knew this was not the time to dwell on such things if she wanted and doing so now would only distract her and may result in her death at hands of these things. Pushing the thoughts of her family out of her mind felt ashamed of herself for what her mother would call a heartless act. Katia followed Teiji out of the room sticking to him closely keeping an eye oh on things behind them which luckily for the moment was all quite as it seemed the undead where busy of chasing someone else down. Still it didn’t mean she could take it easy she had seen they did to people they got a hold of and there was no way she was going to die like that. Watching Teiji dispose of what was once a teacher Katia was quick to notice it was once the art teacher the very same one she helped no less the a couple or hours ago. But that didn’t matter she had become one of them even if Katia had liked her when she was alive. As Teiji killed the art teacher she couldn’t help but notice what he said and wondered if what he had found in his school record bothered him but before she had the chance to ask two girls had come out of a nearby room. The blonde girl spoke before Katia had a chance to finding the way she spoke to be little crude but Katia was willing to overlook it to have some extra people around. [color=FF00FF]“I have no issue with you coming with us for now. There is strength in numbers. The name is Katia and the other girl is Anselma and the boy is Teiji.”[/color]Katia stated looking around as she spoke feeling a little paranoid something that was once her former peer would jump out and attack her.