[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/77899-digimon-rp/ooc]Interest Check[/url] It's late November, 2004, in Nerima, Tokyo, and something strange is about to happen. To the sounds of chimes new and old, several youths are whisked away into another world. They are the Digidestined, their task, gather and form the Royal Knights of Legend and cement their prophecy into reality! Intrigue! A mysterious figure monitors their progress from the shadows! Is this watcher friend or foe? How does he/she know of the fledgling Chosen Children? And what does this mean for the newly hatched Digimon? [hr] Okay, this is going to be a semi-realistic, somewhat serious Digimon RP, in which 10-13 human characters, played by as many players as we get, (Six or so?) do the above- form the Royal Knights. Now, there are currently all 13 cannon Knights revealed. Does that mean you're stuck with them? No. I'm allowing custom/non-cannon Knight like Digimon who are either already Holy Knight type, close enough to it, or a Warrior/Godman type. You can also design your own, just let me know about your choices and clear them with me first. [hr] [Hider=Some Rules]1, Casual RP Standards. Read 'em, understand 'em, use 'em. I don't want to read something that's short and impossible to understand and doesn't do anything but swell your character's ego. 2. Dynamic Characters are fun, I promise! No Sues. (But if your character's name is Susan that's fine.) Creativity is encouraged! (Just fit the theme please?) 3. Cooperate! We all want to have fun together, so let's all talk together about what we want and how we can all be happy. This includes me. 4. NO Godmodding, Bunnying, Powerplays, or openly defying what has been previously put in the OOC unless there's a reason for the last one, specifically discussed OOC. --Godmodding= Playing someone else's character. --Bunnying= Making someone helpless prey. Killing without a fight in one post, ignoring credible threats only in your own posts (as opposed to your character being ignorant to threats)- basically combat Godmodding. --Powerplays= Having only your character make progress and gain power. If your Digimon Digivolves first every time (which it won't) and everyone else has to fight over the scraps, that's no fun. 5. Please no excessive swearing, overly gory posts, overly sexual content, or excessive drug use. A guy can occasionally smoke to make him more characterized, but don;t make it a crippling carton-a-day addiction, or have it endanger the health of others. You can f over your own characters, but don't f over anyone else.(As a general rule.) 6. There is no rule six. 7. Funnnnnn. Have some. Also if I have to take a disciplinary action, I will, either if your writing serially underperforms, if you're mean to other players, or deliberate breaking of rule 4. I don't want to kick people out, but I will if I have to.[/hider] [U]Character Sheets[/U] [Hider=Chosen Child File]Name: (Full name, Given then Family please.) Age: (14-17, max 19 as listed in the first post) Gender: (With or without mental gendering.)[No character needs to be vanilla heterosexual but please no offensive stereotypes or unwanted touching as a general rule] Designation: File Photo: (Drawn/anime image preferred. I'd suggest against real people photos) Dossier(Personality): (Also short biographical information. Try to avoid having your character have a parent in some military, kay? I feel like that doesn't help all that much. Only I can Redact things without telling.) Other: (Notes, voice actors/actresses/seiyuu, associated tropes, etc)[/Hider] [Hider=Digimon Profile]Seat: Name: (If Overarching. Omit if not applicable) Control Method: (How the Digimon is made not entirely OP, and makes fights fair for other players.) Baby- Name: Gender: Attribute: Appearance:(Note alterations) Technique: -(List name, and a short description.) Personality: (Just do a short note of changes unless it's main stage/Knight Stage. Rookie or some Champions count as "main". Not like Maildramon or Greymon, but those of manageable size, like Leomon maybe.) In-Training- Name: Gender: Attribute: Appearance: Technique: - Personality: Rookie- Name: Gender: Attribute: Appearance: Technique: - Personality: Champion- Name: Gender: Attribute: Appearance: Technique: - Personality: Ultimate- Name: Gender: Attribute: Appearance: Technique: - Personality: Mega 1- Name: Gender: Attribute: Appearance: Technique: - Personality: Mega II/Royal Knight- Name: Gender: Attribute: Appearance: Technique: - Personality: Other:[/Hider] Setting: I specifically picked 2004, because I figure it can be as 90's as we need it to be without having to be like "oh yeah, that didn't exist then". So, older style cellphones being popular, but no uber-widespread wireless internet is fine. Actually, that's what I expect. The more 90'sness the better. Its' a work of fiction so we can tweak it. [U]Characters[/U]: [Hider=The Royal Knights] Child 01: Nekane Yamimoto-------- Seat 00: Alphamon - Child 02:------------------------------- Seat 01: (Omnimon) - Child 03:------------------------------- Seat 02:--------------- - Child 04:------------------------------- Seat 03:--------------- - Child 05: Benjiro Easter------------- Seat 04: MirageGaogamon - Psyga315 Child 06:------------------------------- Seat 05:--------------- - Child 07:------------------------------- Seat 06:--------------- - Child 08:------------------------------- Seat 07:--------------- - Child 09: Shinnosuke Yuugami---- Seat 08: UlforceVeedramon - Double Child 10:------------------------------- Seat 09:--------------- - Child 11:------------------------------- Seat 10:--------------- - Child 12:------------------------------- Seat 11:--------------- - Child 13:------------------------------- Seat 12:--------------- - ------------------------------------------ Seat 13: Imperialdramon Paladin Mode (Ceremonial. Nonplayed) [/hider]