Kaname Tsurara "So my stripper of a sister has been through here after all" she said as she surveyed the area littered with small icicles and the like. "Sigh why does she always have to be so troublesome" kaname said once more before taking a step forward and following the trail of ice and ruins that would probably lead to Ria. Letting the breeze pull back at her uneven twintails as she continued forward reaching the bridge she casually stepped around the debris as she eyed her sister standing ranting about god knows what. Deciding to sneak up on her twin for old time sakes she quietly stepped till she was behind Ria before saying "Hey icicle head did you do enough damage for the day?" She questioned as she let a large smirk cross her face at the thought of Ria's reaction. [hider=Kaname smile] [img]http://i.imgur.com/rOp6r6G.jpg?1[/img] [/hider] Kishiko Tachibana Sigh this is great first detention and how this she thought to herself as she scrambled out of the wreck of the icy ball. Shaking those thoughts from her head she quickly headed out going by the smoke there was trouble she could at least try to help where she could after all. With those thoughts in mind Kishiko headed out to see what she might be able to help with though she thought to herself a bit of tea would help someone calm their nerves. She supposed some tea for herself would do greatly as well she thought before she quickly grabbedher thermos full of tea before setting off. Tsukuyomi Yayoi This was going to be more tiring than she thought this was her eighth person she healed and she was already running out of steam. Taking a small break she let you great huffs as her purplish hair fell over shoulders. "Tsukuyomi some rest is needed you cant handle healing another person" Hakurei voiced in worry obvious on her voice. "I suppose your right Hakurei" Tsukuyommi said as she collapsed by a intact pole leaning against it as she continued to huff.