I've been working on Antar a fair bit. Things have been slow due to life things. WIP so far, will add things and properly format later. [hider=House Antar WIP] House Name House Antar Sigil A golden, two-headed serpent upon a purple background. In the left mouth of the serpent, there is a sceptre. In the right head, there is a sword. The serpent is coiled on a pile of coins. House Words “Speak Softly, Strike Harshly” House Specialty The smiths of House Antar are one of the few houses left who fully understand the secrets behind Voltaani Steel, and are the primary exporter of the alloy, predominately among their vassals. Ancestral Weapon Mordedura de la Serpiente - A falchion, made from a specific alloy of Voltaani Steel meant to be rust-resistant and hold an edge through weeks of heavy use, whose formula was lost prior to the Voltaani exile. Its pommel is carved like a snake's head, and an inscription on the gilded, jewel-encrusted hilt reads “know no fear” in ancient Endosi. Important Members King Mateo Antar – King of Voltaani, age 20 Even from a young age, there was a fire in the young prince Mateo Antar that could not be quenched. Throughout his childhood years, ever since he could walk, he could throw a punch. He would often organize brawls with the children in the capital, both sides going to war with each other over a few iron crowns scattered on the ground. As he grew into adolescence, taking in lessons on fighting, religion, economics and etiquette between fist fights and nighttime liaisons with servants and the daughters of visiting nobles, the passion that throbbed through him turned to anger. Anger at the state of his country, which seemed to have lost its pride and replaced it with money. Anger at his father, for so complacently bowing to the demands of his vassals. And anger at himself, for his youthful ignorance and rash, self-indulgent behavior. It was during one lecture on the maintenance of a castle's budget that he was suddenly called out of his lesson. His father, King Thiago Antar, had suffered a bout of apoplexy in the middle of a conference, and though he recovered, he was now incoherent and bedridden. In a hastily-prepared coronation ritual, Mateo ascended to the throne of Volaanti, and proceeded to swear off the many bad habits he had accumulated in his youth. He knew that, as a king walking into a proverbial pit of vipers, he couldn't afford any distractions, or anything that would make him seem weak in the eyes of his council. In spite of his young age, he has gained infamy in court due to his aggressive personality, keen head for politics, and major push for military reforms. While some find these traits admirable in a king, the majority of Volaanti nobility is stubbornly against many of the policies the king has adamantly tried to push through, and his misgivings about the increasing political sway of sellsword companies has been met with accusations of paranoia. Queen Estefania Antar – Queen Mother, age 36 Born Estefania Orlanti, Queen Estefania was born the only child of Leon Orlanti, a minor noble serving under the Duke of Castillo. Despite being of relatively low birth, and being arranged to marry a nobleman in Caelia, Estefania managed to catch he eye of the then-Prince Thiago. After pressuring his father into proposing marriage with House Orlanti, Estefania quickly consummated her marriage with the young prince, and was with child within months. When Prince Thiago succeeded his father as king, Estefania quickly wormed her way in as the king's chief advisor. Often, King Thiago would disregard the advice of both his council and his family for Estefania's advice, advancing her own agenda in his blindness. Thus it carried on, until his sudden illness. While some believe Estefania had a hand in it, she herself had nothing to gain from incapacitating her highly pliable husband. She now serves as an advisor for her son, though she is nowhere near as highly regarded as she was by her husband. This has embittered her towards her son, and she seeks to curry her own favor among the nobles to undermine him. Cibran Antar – Prince of Voltaani, age 43 Cibran was the black sheep of his family, a moody and quiet child who became a dour and highly withdrawn adult, born from the second wife of King Estevo Antar. Much of his misgivings were due to the insults of his father, who made it clear that he existed only as a spare, in the case of his brother's death. Though his brother Thiago had tried many times to mend the gap caused by their fathers' favoritism, Cibran drifted further from his half-sibling and father. By the time the Crown Prince Mateo was one year old, Cibran had already left on trading missions to the east, across the sea. In foreign lands, he became a famed adventurer and merchant, writing many journals of his discoveries, and of his service as a sellsword to foreign lords of far-off lands. He returned Voltaani a total of four times, each time merely to greet one of his nieces and nephews, send a copy of his journals to the Sage, and load up his ship before setting off again. But the fourth time would be the last time he set out. None were as shocked by the news of King Thiago's illness as his brother, Prince Cibran, who had been home from overseas for less than a month before he was confronted with it. Though he had barely spoken to his brother in twenty six years, and had no real love of his country, he knew that duty demanded he stay, at least until the political situation settled down. He has angled himself as a contact for various foreign resources, such as sellswords, artifacts, and a very small smattering of magical knowledge which he has not shared with anyone. Unfortunately, his long stay overseas have left him ill-equipped to navigate the current political landscape. Rosalia Antar – Princess of Voltaani, age 15 In spite of the efforts of her parents, Rosalia is shaping up to be another Mateo, at least as she currently stands. She is mercilessly frank in conversation, and utterly ruthless in action. Slicing the face of a servant that accidentally spilled tea on her dress is not the most scandalous rumor that surrounds her by far. The overbearing presence of her brother, who has far less patience than her father ever had for her antics, has curbed her habits somewhat, but she is still regarded as rude, impulsive, and cruel by those who aren't afraid to speak against her, and she is determined to not merely be one of her brother's bargaining chips. Nicolau Antar – Prince of Voltaani, age 12 In contrast to his two older siblings, Nicolau is a frail, skittish child who rarely leaves his room, and prefers the company of servants to nobility. Indeed, among the nursemaids that have served House Antar, he's considered a favorite. However, his gentle nature, combined with his inattentiveness to his studies, Though his gentle nature is appreciated by many, including his mother, his inattentiveness to his studies is a concern for those worried about the currently shaky nature of the house's future. Vassals 1: House Arvarid, Duchy of Txau 2: House Roivas, Duchy of Castillo 3: House Perris, Duchy of Corazon 4. House Navar, Duchy of Notura 5. House Casca, Duchy of Sebin 6. House Artez, Duchy of Surta 7. House Valari, Duchy of Corte 8. House Leon, Duchy of Valdis 9. House Iniigo, Duchy of Montas Courtiers & Retainers The advisors, knights, and other such members useful to your house. Realm Kingdom-Republic of Voltaani Primary Holding Feel free to be as brief or descriptive as possible with your primary holding, though to reasonable form. Vassal Holdings Feel free to be as brief or descriptive as possible with your vassal holding(s), though to reasonable form. Influence & Relations A summarized list of relations/influence with neighbors or vassals. Exports & Imports A summarized list of product yield that are traded in or out. Recent History Text Other Information Theme Songs, Notes, and so forth. [/hider]