Real World Name: Nicholas Kozlovsky Age: 26 Real World Bio: Even as a young man, Nicholas is run down, counting down the days until he dies. He used to try to protect people, girls, boys, people who couldn't stand up for themselves… and then one day he failed, and that was that. He never saw that little girl again, or knew what happened to her - Nicholas could guess, of course, but he didn't want to think about it. As time went on he became weary, disillusioned, slowly starting a descent into lethargy and madness. One day, half out of his mind and starving, he slumped against a wall and collapsed. There, he began to dream. And what a dream it was… (A protector, an idealist who was betrayed and sunk into despair and insanity. He fights like a berserker and is constantly starving and nearly incoherent. He needs some serious help, and cannot meet with the others at the Café for obvious reasons). [hider=Waking World Appearance][img][/img][/hider] Oneiros Name: Black Knight [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Appearance (just armor)][img][/img][/hider] Oneiros Bio: Nicholas's appearance as an Oneiros is nothing like what his appearance is in the waking world. The Black Night is just a suit of armor - nothing resides inside of it but smoke and blackened flesh. Black smoke constantly radiates from him, and he appears like an off-focus photograph; it's hard to get a reading on what he looks like, since his image seems to double or triple at random, like a hallucination. Red light shines from his visor, and his voice is hard to comprehend, garbled and twisted as it sounds. The Black Knight has inhuman speed and strength, able to shatter concrete with a single strike. This is mostly due to insanity, as one of his powers dictates that the more insane he becomes, the stronger he gets. He has two abilities, one which, as mentioned, increases his strength as his sanity drains away. The second allows him to wield anything that he recognizes as a weapon and increase it's durability and power - the remains of a streetlight would become a powerful club or spear in his hands. Something that is not normally perceived as a weapon (like an actual streetlight and not just its remains) would be more difficult, and something that is completely removed from the concept of "weapon" would be impossible for the Black Knight to warp. He seeks to protect others as far as his twisted mind can understand the meaning of 'protecting others' anymore… the Black Knight fights like a berserker, and can barely understand the commands or words of others. One such as he is hard to understand in turn. Very, very strong in close quarters combat, though ranged combat is his downfall. The Black Knight woke up in the ruins of a dark place at night time, beneath the stars. Overgrown by weeds and and plants, it was quiet and remote. He (more of an it, really) is drawn to what his waking self failed to do - protect. Though, as his soul is steeped in corruption and madness, such a thing has become hard to do. The Black Knight is a fearsome foe, but seems to be able to recognize an ally when it/he sees one. He appears as more of a specter, for now, but who knows what might set him off?