My human is basically done, so I'll post her and what I have so far for my Digimon I guess. ^^; [hider=Digidestined][list] [*]Name: Mayu Ryusei [*]Age: 14 [*]Gender: Female [*]Designation: [*]File Photo: [url=]Whee~[/url] [*]Dossier: Mayu is rather insecure about herself, and is rather timid and shy when dealing with others. Her confidence is easily shattered, and she can be a bit of a crybaby at times. However, her strongest trait is that once she finally finds her footing and gives something her all, she will not back down and becomes immensely hot blooded, courageous and determined. If she cares about something, she will stop at nothing to protect it. Otherwise, though, she's just generally rather shy, insecure and kind of a nerd; she's always been a big fan of comic books, anime and tokusatsu shows like Super Sentai/Power Rangers and Kamen Rider, and will actually be rather excited about being transported to a fantastic world filled with monsters. For some reason, she always carries her umbrella even on clear days, and becomes rather distraught if it is lost or taken away from her; it's kind of a security blanket for her, really. [*]Other: [/list][/hider] [hider=Digimon (WIP)]Seat: Control Method: [list] [*]Baby- [list] [*]Name: Botamon [*]Gender: Male [*]Attribute: None [*]Appearance: [url=]Botamon[/url] [*]Technique: Bubble Blow [*]Personality: [/list] [*]In-Training- [list] [*]Name: Koromon [*]Gender: Male [*]Attribute: Data [*]Appearance: [url=]Koromon[/url] [*]Technique: Bubble Blow [*]Personality: [/list] [*]Rookie- [list] [*]Name: ToyAgumon [*]Gender: Male [*]Attribute: Vaccine [*]Appearance: [url=]ToyAgumon[/url] [*]Technique: [*]Personality: Plastic Blaze [/list] [*]Champion- [list] [*]Name: Omekamon [*]Gender: Male [*]Attribute: Vaccine [*]Appearance: [url=]Omekamon[/url] [*]Technique: Graffiti Rocket [*]Personality: [/list] [*]Ultimate- [list] [*]Name: ExTyrannomon [*]Gender: Male [*]Attribute: Vaccine [*]Appearance: [url=]ExTyrannomon[/url] [*]Technique: Pretty Attack [*]Personality: [/list] [*]Mega 1- [list] [*]Name: WarGreymon [*]Gender: Male [*]Attribute: Vaccine [*]Appearance: [url=]WarGreymon[/url] [*]Technique: Terra Force [*]Personality: [/list] [*]Mega II/Royal Knight- [list] [*]Name: VictoryGreymon [*]Gender: Male [*]Attribute: Vaccine [*]Appearance: [url=]VictoryGreymon[/url] [*]Technique: Dramon Breaker, Trident Gaia, Victory Charge [*]Personality: [/list] [*]Other: [/list][/hider]