[h3]Absolute Zero, Tsurara Ria[/h3] [b]GM's P.O.V, a reenactment of what Feisty did[/b] With Jack leaving like the weasel coward he is, the prideful Tsurara and 8th Level 5, Absolute Zero, Ria angered performed instantaneous calculations. Concealed down below from the eyes of all within the dome of frost, Ria's expression sharply changed to one of disgust as this annoying madman was nimbly able enough to avoid her machinations. Putting a sudden and swift stop to them as he taunted her, her fists clenched, her fury remained unsatisfied. Instead, this man dared to summon a horde of golems to charge at her. From that point onwards, Ria used herself as a conduit of moisture, making out her body in general has enough moisture and liquid content to perform the necessary protection for her; True indeed, Ria have been depriving herself from moisture which means dehydration as explained through the enormous display of the huge chunks of ice she created but that is not only the case; Ria not only freezes moisture but whatever content of gases around the atmosphere, she froze: Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen, Ammonia. As a matter of fact; (H2CO3). Decomposition of organic matter by micro organisms releases CO2 which when mixed with soil water can form carbonic acid. Ria calculated and taken in account of this, the amount of contents that can be frozen given in exchange of her own moisture and the little air and water available which she can turn into instantaneous freezing. The effects of subzero temperatures on soil are varied, influencing a wide range of physical, biological, and chemical processes. Since the formation of ice in soil requires an understanding of thermal gradients and water movement, the major thrust of recent work has been from a physically based approach. The visible effects of freezing and thawing, such as changes in soil structure and damage to building and road foundations, have also received considerable attention. There is far less information available concerning possible effects on chemical and biological soil reactions. Our aim, therefore, is to present an overview of the freeze/thaw cycle, placing particular emphasis on factors relating to the less well-documented and understood influences on nutrient availability. In other words, abstract freezing of nutrients around her is what Ria did. She fell into her knees, feeling the effects of her self conduit performance on displaying outstanding feats of using cryokinesis. [color=0054a6][i]"I have been stealing moisture from Kurogami Akira and those who were here. Every time a person speak, the laws of photosynthesis applies, we breathe in oxygen and we release carbon dioxide so therefore every word they utter, the release carbon dioxide for me to freeze, in addition to freezing my own moisture. I have updated my clearance and digits to my personal reality. Basic Knowledge of the body, indeed I am immune to hypothermia and other cold diseases."[/i][/color] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fd/201_Elements_of_the_Human_Body-01.jpg/500px-201_Elements_of_the_Human_Body-01.jpg[/img] Ria indeed used herself as a conduit to sustain and use her own ice. This method deprives her from moisture thus making her dehydrated. [color=0072bc] [b]"Shut up you imbecile."[/b][/color] Throwing an insult to her twin sister who she accused and implied of just watching instead of helping her out.[color=0072bc] [i]"The next time, I meet Jack. I won't hold back."[/i] [/color] Ria requiring immediate medical attention. Anti-Skill and Judgement arrived in time but late, the rest of the Judgement members(Whoever you are) are in pursuit of Jack. [h3]A 3 hour timeskip[/h3] ARC 2: Finished. Post-Credit Scene. A figure from the shadows appear right before the madman Jack, greeting him. At the same time, the Akurans leave the scene after gathering the information needed about the two level 5's, they meet up with their leader. [img]http://p1.i.ntere.st/fd65e8c91f28e39e1a3da069cc481d1c_480.jpg[/img] "Anderson-sama, welcome back." A girl in the shadows as we only see her beautiful lips greets Anderson. [b]A 1 week timeskip! April 14, 20XX[/b] Free Roam, Saturday; Before Class because Classes starts at 1 PM. So given time is 10 AM. Plot for arc 3: To be added, none for now. Everyone is free to do mini arcs, Grey is Co-GM, Shiho and Fei are Co-GM. Mini arcs will be send in the OOC for approval. [color=ed1c24][b]Strongly Advised for the next arc, please do not cause ruckus like Kotori's book because it drags and don't speed post, don't ignore anyone's post, don't fuck with logic and all that. Nobody gets away from this rule breaking moments.[/b][/color]