Amy's mind raced with anxiety, still partly recovering from the recent explosion dealt by the grenade. Luckily the soldiers were trained how to aim it, otherwise it would've been a worst case scenario that have followed after that. Constant coughs were expelled from her lungs even after the smoke began to abate. In the midst of it all, she saw the guy that helped her going over the barricade. The sight of it alone was a relief, knowing that he was still in good shape despite being covered in smudges. [i]"Can you walk?"[/i] The pain that was sapping the strength left on Amy's feet could still be felt. Even by simply wriggling it was difficult and an excruciating thing to do. "Yes." Amy replied, her voice was nearly dull. She felt her lips dry as soon as she realized that she was thirsty. Her backpack was gone, couldn't even remember where she had left it after the previous incident she encountered. "I think I'll be a bit slow catching up but don't worry." She glanced at her feet as she began staggering a few steps towards the SUVs. With roughly everything in the area being covered by gunfire, Amy still couldn't afford on collecting herself down. She still wondered about the incident earlier and the details about its occurrence and while at it, pain kept on draining whatever's left of her. She knew she wouldn't last long before she passes out from exhaustion but at the very least, she was away from the dead's clutches. Her attention then shifted to the soldier's commands. She didn't know exactly what were they intending to do but the message were clear to her comprehension. "Where will your next stop be after this? If you guys don't have a specific route, there is one I know." Amy said to the guy as she continued to walk lamely. She wasn't sure to be honest and frankly was running out of options. The only thing that ran in her mind at that moment was to reunite with her family. Her neighbors either left her or were consumed by the dead and she wasn't certain about it. Going to that place her ex-husband talked about was her last resort since there wasn't anywhere else she'd go. There was a chance that she won't be reunited but then remained believing that there was a possibility. If only there was enough detail of the location, then there would have been a certainty on leading the group. Still, Amy was far from giving up.