[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/OGrhRXr.jpg[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/7Oh8AFr.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Selene Palamecia[/b][indent]Many are the ways in which this charismatic dame with strong passions and beliefs defy and contradict the established norms of society. Selene will stride loudly and proudly ‘where angels fear to tread’ and speak her mind and heart without doubt or shame for all to hear. She is fearless and volatile in her endeavors and emotions and behaviors which against all odds favor the outcome appropriate to the situation. She is by no means cruel or unjust, quite the contrary, but Selene is on her own side and her deeply rooted philosophies will not budge for anything or anyone. Besides pulchritude, Selene is a chiefly cerebral individual radiating sublime perception, aptitude, cunning, and sophistication. However, despite these lofty attributes, this tenacious girl is acutely egocentric in that she assumes her will to be the will of others and any form of opposition is a struggle with Selene’s own personal integrity, which can cause her to become emotionally conflicted and moody. Furthermore, Selene is intensely self-critical and introspective and brooding. She can dwell on the pains or perceived injustices of her life, often to the point of indulgence, which may be irrelevant to her person or the situation at hand. All of this leads to extensive philosophical musings concerning the circumstances that brought her to a specific point in time, accompanied by a cynical, world-weary, and jaded view on the faults of mankind and beyond. Therefore, Selene values her own passions as above those of others, which can manifest as arrogance and a martyr-like attitude. Either way, she is natural born leader in that she can drive lesser mind to follow her into impossible odds and fervent battle, and her magnetic allure can play mind games on the most hardened veterans.[/indent] [b]Appearance[/b][indent]Selene stands at 5’4” and weighing in at roughly a hundred and twenty pounds. Her posture is elastic and her build slender and lean, accentuating fluidity in her flow and movements. She has dark blonde hair and green eyes. Selene has an impressive collection of sneakers which usually dominate her footwear. The rest of her fashions are not particularly varied: dark leggings for the whole year, sometimes seemingly infinite layers of loose fitted, black sweaters and cardigans, and lastly an extremely oversized knitted, dark scarf that is possessed by a spirit—it has a graceful display when Selene moves around, especially in combat.[/indent] [b]Weapon[/b][indent][img]http://i.imgur.com/4Z9Eeje.jpg[/img] Selene uses a gunblade-type sword that has a gun action built into the hilt. The barrel of the gun runs inside the length of the blade. She mostly uses it as a melee weapon, as the ammunition capacity of the sword is rather limited. It can carry three rounds of shotgun shells. The gunblade is of a rather minimalistic design, being shorter than other types. It allows Selene to be more fluid in her motions. The sword was first introduced to her at the academy, and she began to practice with it shortly after being admitted at the age of eight. However, due to the nature of her spirits, Selene tends to lean towards their function and mobility rather than being duking it out face to face with the enemy. Her fighting style is based on hit-and-run tactics; striking her enemy and then disappearing into the shadows again to strike another target.[/indent] [b]Biography[/b][indent]Selene was born in Tenebra. Her mother was but a simple villager mesmerized by the local cult leader, which became Selene’s father. The Land of the Mist, Tenebra, is a place of esotericism and mystic worship of Kami, as it was the place of their civil war. Selene’s father had prophesized to his followers that a kami known as ‘Diablos’ would rise again from his second born, whom were to be a boy. When Selene appeared, the prophecy became false and the cult exiled Selene’s parents. Realizing his delusion, Selene’s mother took her two children girls and ran away, leaving the father somewhere in the Tenebran Dead Lands. The firstborn of Selene’s father is her older sister, Monika. She became one of the most powerful Guardians to ever exist and was headhunted by academies on Elysium. Selene became a Guardian as well, but not in the same capacity as her sister. Being left in the shadow of her sister’s prowess and fame, Selene formed her rather sinister, but passionate nature and always striving to be her own force. However, she has no brooding ill-will towards her sister. They get together whenever they can and love each other as siblings should. Due to the sister’s talents, Selene and her mother was able to leave Tenebra and receive residence on Elysium. It was not in the most luxurious of sectors, but infinitely better than living in the Land of the Dead that is Tenebra. Selene was ultimately accepted into Oakridge Academy where her sister studied, a few years ahead of her. It became quite apparent early on that Selene would become a Squad Leader someday, but her spirit combination of dark and fiery elements was rare for that profession. However, she did not care in the slightest. Selene was quick to establish herself as the dominant force of her class, being the one who determines the outcome of matters. She was sent to the principal’s office and disciplined on more than once occasion, but only because she saw to her friends’ best interests. Throughout the years at the academy, Selene was the one who kept her group of friends together as they explored different subjects and arts. She constantly kept contact through phone messages and get-togethers. Her greatest fear has been that they would be separated after being admitted by the U.D.F., but as a favor from her sister—who pulled a few strings—they were put together in the same squad with Selene as their commander. It is through this position, and a passion to advance within the Great Warmachine, that she intends to find and know her father if he is still alive.[/indent] [b]Spirits[/b] [indent][b]“Orb of Darkness”[/b] [i]Element[/i]: Dark [i]Ability[/i]: Amplify [i]Status Effects[/i]: [img]https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/7/76/Blind_40px.png/18px-Blind_40px.png[/img] [color=ed1c24]Blind[/color] [i]Description[/i]: This spirit manifests as a black, smokey orb projectile. It detonates upon impact and affects everyone in the immediate area. The personality of this spirit is that of impatience, insolence, and intrusiveness. It may sometimes emerge from Selene’s body in the shape of a ghost-like figure with giant, hollowed eyes and myriads of slender arms. [b]“Bloodlust”[/b] [i]Element[/i]: Dark [i]Ability[/i]: Lifelink [i]Status Effects[/i]: [img]https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/1/1d/Confusion_40px.png/18px-Confusion_40px.png[/img] [color=ed1c24]Meltdown[/color] [i]Description[/i]: This spirit manifests by extending Selene’s canine teeth, allowing her to bite and penetrate hardened skin. The spirit lunges Selene toward her targeted enemy with great speed upon use. Selene and her target are enveloped in black smoke during this attack. The personality of this spirit is that of isolation, brooding, and jealousy. It may sometimes emerge from Selene’s body in the shape of a bat-like creature of smokey shadows. [b]“Enveloping Shadows”[/b] [i]Element[/i]: Dark [i]Ability[/i]: Fear [i]Status Effects[/i]: [img]https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/f/f4/Vigor.png[/img] [color=00aeef]Vigor[/color] [i]Description[/i]: This spirit resides in Selene’s scarf. It manifests by enveloping her in smokey shadows that imposes temporary flight. Selene dashes from foe to foe and strikes them once with her weapon before returning to a safe position. The personality of this spirit is that of detest, enmity, and secrecy. It may sometimes cause Selene’s scarf to flow in the air akin to garment under water. However, it has choked her on more than one occasion. [b]“Inferno”[/b] [i]Element[/i]: Fire [i]Ability[/i]: Trample [i]Status Effects[/i]: [img]https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/6/6a/Immobilized_40px.png/18px-Immobilized_40px.png[/img] [color=ed1c24]Imperil[/color] [i]Description[/i]: This spirit manifests as a massive burst of fire in the target location, sprouting embers and thick smoke. The personality of this spirit is that of hate, arrogance, and restlessness. It may sometimes emerge from Selene’s body in the shape of a golem-like creature of ember and smoke.[/indent] [b]Relations[/b][hider=][i]Eric Wormwood[/i] Being a cerebral person herself, Selene shares a certain mindset and approach to problems with Eric. However, he does have an upper hand in matters of logic and intelligence, but Selene is able to better understand his chosen words than anyone else’s when the ins and outs of a problem is explained to her. As they are both agents of intelligence, they can and will argue about things. And Selene being the more fervent and passionate of the two, she is quite often the one who loses. But, this does not mean that they dislike each other; it is how they connect. It was what led Selene to speak of her endeavors in Tenebra. Eric became the first of her friends to know that she is the offspring of a former cult leader, who worshipped Kami. Even if they all know about it by now, it is something that she do not take joy in talking about. Selene has, on more than one occasion, asked Eric to help her in the quest of finding her father. However, so far, they have been unsuccessful. [i]Aurelia Rosenfeld[/i] Selene once barged into Aurelia’s dorm at the academy, saying nothing but ‘hey’. She then sat down and began to braid her friend’s hair without asking permission and without talking for the duration. If it were anyone else, Aurelia would probably have punched them in the throat. Selene and Aurelia have an unspoken bond. And for being so close that normal social barriers do not apply, they do not speak much with one another. Or rather, it is fair to say that they do not dance around what they want to say. They are extremely blunt when it comes to conversation—no sweet talking, no bullshit. Even if they do not agree on everything and somewhat argue from time to time, a simple slap across the face will always restore balance. One could say that they have found each other as sisters in the shadows of their biological ones. [i]Wren Valkyrie[/i] Selene remembers one day in particular concerning Wren. It was a year ago or so during a sparring session that was supposed to just fill their morning routine, but ended up extending the whole day and the two of them skipping classes for it. They interrupted for lunch and dinner, and ended it all with a bit of relaxation at a spa. There is an air of simplicity to Wren that attracts Selene. The girl is the type of soldier that will drag your bloody body out of the fray no matter what, and her fiery passion for combat will strike fear into the hearts of the enemy. Selene has commanded Wren in a few simulations and she is like a surgical syringe backed by a barrage of artillery fired rolled up into a single person. Wren is an incredible asset for Selene outside of their strong friendship. [i]Ito Ishioka[/i] Selene once spent quality time with Ito as his spotter during a training exercise that was designed to test his endurance as a long range unit. Even if they were closely monitored by Oakridge Academy drones, they were completely alone in an abandoned town on the surface of Libra. They had no idea where they were, but Ito figured it out after twenty minutes, simply by analyzing the landmarks and environment. They were sitting on the roof of a building, shooting chickens mutated by the Mordrem/Divine disease. It was a stretch of forty-eight hours, which gave them plenty of time to talk. Even if Selene did most of the talking, she got the chance to learn about Ito’s past in Hong Desa. On the battlefield, Selene takes great comfort in Ito’s presence, as he is the guardian angel in the sky, raining down bullets on the enemy. [i]Cassandra Jurico[/i] Selene and Cassie are both small town girls. And coming to a place such as Elysium instantly forms a specific bond between people like them, even if they are from two completely different continents. Their friendship is, at least to Selene, especially important in times of strife or failure related to grand endeavors. Their lives as children were simple, as such they became used to a more accepting and forgiving environment. The pressure and demands of the big city is different. However, when such failures have imposed, Selene and Cassie have had each other for comfort. Selene was there for Cassie when she failed the pilot’s test. She has been there for her during times of homesickness, and when dealing with big-city boys and their inherit douchebag nature. Selene does not miss her cursed home as much, but Cassie is the one person she can talk to about that hardwired love-hate relationship she has for Tenebra.[/hider] [b]Trivia[/b][list] [*]Loves dark Chocolate cake. [*]Can sleep through almost anything and is difficult to wake up. [*]Has a weakness for scarves, ponchos, and sneakers. [*]Is into both men and women, and is single. [/list]