Oh holy crap, I was wondering why the site wasn't notifying me on subbed threads. [@Rokdar Ironvein] As stated in the character sheet, the soft maximum for any given stat is 18. Meaning racial benefits affect that maximum. As such, the maximum allowed for your character would be a max of 16 DEX (18-2) and 16 CHR(18-2) and a massive 20 max CON (18+2). PLease change accordingly. You're using a D&D class, but have adjusted the abilities. I presume that you want your own custom version of the class to be the baseline then? As such I wouldn't be referring to the SRD or similar resources to help or hinder your class when needed. Your abilities list is fairly low, so am I correct in concluding you will doing most of the frontline fighting without using many of these? Or you prefer to gain them with magic items or progression? Since you're a Dwarf, I'd suggest adding Dwarfish as your native language (skill 100) and Common as your secondary (you are in a tavern after all) at a level below Native. It's a chore, and it's the one time you'll have to do it. [@vietmyke] You indeed don't need to roll on your own, unless you really want to, as I'll be doing the rolling if a particular set of circumstances should occur. The spell power level 20 doesn't mention what would happen to a dog, but you can probably imagine. It'd likely be a near-fatal wound, but not instant death. A serious wound for a bear doesn't mean it'll stop fighting. :) Character sheet: I need the 'minor' resistances defined somewhat more clearly. Your custom racial benefits outweigh the negatives a little. See if you can fix that. [@El Taco Taco] We're going to be set post Sundering (basically, all is well again with the magic), so it's somewhere post 1484. Think 1486. As for your character sheet: If you wish to use D&D spells, that is perfectly fine. I may need to actually adapt some of your spells to match the game, so if you'd be so kind to list out the dice values for all of your chosen spells with and without the Empower Spell ability, that'd be swell. The game features no levels to speak of, so it's going to be interesting going forward, but I'm sure we can help you gain more spells on the way. Define your minor resistances a bit more clearly. Percentages would work best. Well done on the background! [@Weird tales] Allowed, as long as you can balance it. Which means no shapeshifting into a Black(you'll likely come out as a faerie dragon). @All: We have a character tab, post all characters there.