'le updates: [hider=Diosaea]Diosaea is a nontheistic religion based on the teachings taught by the ancient philosopher known as [color=aba000]Saint Jovita dos Voltaani[/color] which were written and recorded in the [color=aba000]Santo'libro[/color]. The faith is one with great historical and cultural significance to the people who fled the crumbling empire to Orlandis as well as the merchant republics in their homeland that survived the fallout of such an exodus. The head of the organized religion are separated into two people to serve two continents (Orlandis and Atularis) is [color=aba000]Paragon[/color] of the West and the East, who is elected and serves his or her sentence at the grand cathedral known as [color=aba000]Templo dos Refugio[/color] in Voltaani or [color=aba000]Templo dos Santo[/color] in Ortan. Originally coined as “The Path of Enlightenment” by Jovita’s smitten royal supporters in the imperial congress, Diosaea was not intended to be a ‘religion’ but a scholarly approach to morality to make humanity understand to appreciate their brothers and sisters. As a philosophy-oriented belief system there are no gods or deities, though this did not stop people from worshiping Saint Jovita as if she was one as history faded and the truth became clouded. The rules of Diosaea are based around universal humanism and about doing good by your fellow man not because there is an afterlife or damnation but because there isn’t one and that in the end all man are bound by their species so they should not seek destruction of them. In a way it is comparable to the Way of Aavaar in that it promotes virtue above all, but that is where the comparison ends. The symbol that represents Diosaea is that of a circular infiniteness (infinity symbol) to represent the cycle of man. This goes into a completely different belief that Saint Jovita had during her journeys throughout the empire she was born into—of how life is so full of karmic coincidence and reoccurrence that life is most certainly a cycle. As such she believed souls (or people, it’s hard to say as the bit written is inconsistent) lived on after physical death thus entering new mortal coils and continuing. Today, Diosaea has become a religion centered on the “saintly” figure of Jovita, with her rules of living turning into scripture law. In addition to said philosophies, Diosaea adopted the beliefs of the beliefs of their new neighbors near the desert known as The Expanse. These beliefs were that of constellation worship that drew in beliefs that these stars and symbols represented the world at large: [color=aba000]The Bee / Biendor[/color] – Represents wealth, believed to grant abundance of harvest. [color=aba000]The Hare / Hasen[/color] – Represents luck, believed to bring good fortune. [color=aba000]The Hound / Hundif[/color] – Represents protection, believed to ward off dark omens. [color=aba000]The Lion / Loweal[/color] – Represents strength, believed to watch over warriors who prepare for war. [color=aba000]The Owl / Eulosa[/color] – Represents wisdom, believed to grant knowledge to those in need of guidance. [color=aba000]The Raven / Raber[/color] – Represents death, believed to watch over the dead and prevent sickness. [color=aba000]The Swan / Schwana[/color] – Represents love, believed to aide in problems of conception. [/hider] [hider=Stormbroken Religion]The Stormbroken Faith (or [i]Followers of the Storm[/i]) refers to the religious traditions of the Hinterlandic people who lived historically on the western coast of northern Orlandis. The head of the religion is a small council of druids called [color=aba000]The Synod[/color]. There is no written text. A religion based on elemental druidism, The Stormbroken Faith is one of archaic simplicities and is historically the cultural beliefs of all people who descend from the Hinterland. The religious hierarchy is separated into four domains: earth, wind, fire, and water. It is commonly believed by the people that every natural occurrence is an act of spiritual unrest or will—thus the eruption of the volcano called “Stormbreaker” was seen as a defining moment especially considering this was during the time when most of the people of the Hinterlands were being converted by missionaries who worshiped the god Aavaar. Considering this, appeasing the gods is done through sacrifice from appropriate materials to the price of blood. Human sacrifices are a commonplace action by druids who follow the religion, believing that the highest form of honoring the gods is by appropriate ritual sacrifice of heretics and thralls. Depending on the season, ritual, and other mitigating factors the chosen element is decided in a sacrifice and the prisoners killed are done so by that elements domain—if it is earth they would be buried alive, if it is water they would be drowned, and so forth. [/hider] Will try to get the rest done periodically by tomorrow. I think I only have Story and Regions to finish, anyway.