[hider=Appearance][img height=200]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/polls/677000/677043_1301508519265_full.jpg[/img] Nova has jet black hair that reaches the small of her back when wet and sharp, crystal blue eyes.[/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Nova Blake [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Birth Place:[/b] Galio [b]Weight:[/b] 145 lbs [b]Height:[/b] 5'9" [b]Personality:[/b] Nova is the oddball of her family, the dreamer amongst warriors. She is extremely intelligent, however her interest in the bigger picture often causes her to miss the small things, thus making her sound like an airhead to strangers. Much like a child, Nova is incredibly caring and abnormally trusting, but to betray her is a mistake. When frightened or upset she has a tendency to explode, both verbally and physically, a fuse that isn't often tripped but best left untouched. Ontop of her trusting personality, Nova becomes incredibly curious about the strangest of things and easily consumed with her distractions. [b]Bio:[/b] Nova grew up in Galio with her parents and two older brothers, her father (a soldier) being the only wielder in the family line. In the early years of her childhood, Nova showed no signs of being a gifted wielder but her father wished for his children to be able to defend themselves in the case of a foreign invasion. Being much smaller than her older brothers, Nova adapted to a style of fighting quite unique to her agile abilities. It wasn't until she turned 8 that her parents noticed Nova's increasing distractability, her mind drifting to places the rest of her family oculd not follow. They kept an eye on her, expecting it to be a temporary condition, however in the following two years they discovered she was gifted. Unlike her father, Nova's element was much less tangible, more of a second sight than anything usefull. By the age of 15, however, Nova was able to predict celestial events and locate objects in rooms other than the one she occupied. Finding her abilities intriguing, Nova's father spent more time helping her train her abilities as a wielder, leaving her brothers to train alone. It took seven long years for anything major to happen, but once that seal had broken, it was as if Nova had gained a necessary understanding of her element allowing her to advance through her self-training more quickly. Now, at the age of 25, Nova has decided to travel to the city of Ladria in order to attend Rohad Academy, hoping to learn the necessary skills to push her abilities to the next level. [b]Wielder or Duel Wielder:[/b] Wielder [b]Element(s):[/b] Space [hider=Unique Abilities] (Some she has developed, others are for the future.) [list][*][b][u]Gravity Nullification[/u]:[/b] (Undeveloped) Nova has the ability to nullify the effect gravity has on particular objects, rendering them virtually weightless. The bigger the object, the less effect this ability has on it. For example, Nova cannot change the gravitation pull on a building enough to lift from the ground however she can leap great distances (or "fly") by altering her own gravity. [*][b][u]"Sixth Sense"[/u]:[/b] (Developed) She has a knack for finding things, people included. There are times when Nova has to concentrate to find a particular object or person, but most times she can give a location within seconds of inquiry. The bigger the object, the easier to find. Moving objects require concentration but difficulty is still determined by size of requested object. [*][b][u]Dimension Bending[/u]:[/b] (Undeveloped) Used as a method of protection, Nova can bend the space around herself(or another) to become "untouchable". With an extremely short time limit of one mintue(at best), attacks appear to veer around the protected object. What's actually happened is the object has entered a pocket dimension, whose creation has caused a disturbance on the plane it originated from. Attacks slide along the same space as intended, however the space it should be inhabiting has been shifted around the object in question. Paired with an extremely short time limit, this ability causes great strain on the wielder's mental and physical state. Use of this ability by a weaker wielder can result in serious injury or coma.[/list] [/hider] [b]Weapon:[/b] Scythe