Real World Name: Samuel Carnell Age: 22 Real World Bio: Borderline hikikomori, he rarely speaks, although he manages to make by with a job he has at a local pizzeria. He is constantly trying to find a way to quit work in order to enter Vivi-Dream more often, as he finds that his persona is much more appealing than his real world self. In the real world, he is awkward, shy, and rather clumsy, although he still means well, even if he does make bad first impressions. [hider=Real World Appearance][img=][/hider] Oneiros Name: Realm Appearance: [hider=Oneiro Appearance][img=][/hider] Oneiros Bio: Almost the polar opposite of her real world counterpart, Realm is outgoing, charismatic, adventurous, and agile. She has a rather fiery and energetic personality, rarely afraid to hold back, although that comes at the cost of not realizing her limits in many situations along with how she is prone to be rather stubborn. She stays near Remniche most of the time, resisting the temptation to enter any other worlds before she fully explores the surrounding area, seeing as she is rather new to this whole thing. However, she has noticed that she is capable of powerful telekinetic abilities, gravitating objects around her and having the capability to shoot them in any direction she pleases.