Karol wanted to get out of this place as much as Spruce, everything that he loved about this place had disappeared, the atmosphere now dark and gloomy as opposed to vibrant and bustling. For the first time since he ever set foot inside of this mall it was absolutely quite, you could hear a pin drop, given the turn of events it was also eerie that this would take place also. He took a quick second to look around and he didn't spot a single pine cone or any other sign of messed up life form. He decided to think on the positive side and hope that this ordeal was now over, not the same as it was before since given the damage that had occurred but not getting any worse. When Karol and Spruce made it to the exit that they would soon make their escape from. Given the size of the vines it was unlikely that they were going to clear the whole entrance but just enough that he and Spruce would be able to squeeze through them. When he was looking from afar the vines didn't look that large but they were actually the size of a regulation basketball. Karol was now glad the he had grabbed both the weed killer and the machete since it was probably going to take both of them. Karol took the bottle of weed killer and sprinkled half of it on the vine and waited a minute for it to sink into the roots. After waiting he took the machete and raised it above his head and gave the vine its first chop.