[@Lost Cause] Okay, well, it's more a suggestion, and because I'm not going to pamper any one character, just to be fair. What were you thinking? [@Rin] Maybe I want to be different. And there's no way the kids in Frontier are younger than 14, except maybe Tommy. I know it's a wip, but I was letting you know. [@Double] For now they're not the most important. Basically Seat is the rank within the Royal Knights, and the Child designation is tied to that. Also curious- how will you be handling the Ulforce? [@Psyga315] Yes. Exactly. Not sure what a Kurata situation is, but I want the characters to be in a stable schooling situation in roughly the same age group, and not have the risk of having to suddenly move, or reveal the Digital World to the military, as they will be going in and out mission/02 style. It's also a remnant of an odd prerequisite or two that I decided were too suspicious or unnecessary.