[hider=Kel Varni] Appearance: [img]http://img1.nymag.com/imgs/daily/vulture/2015/01/27/27-last-days-in-the-desert.w750.h560.2x.jpg[/img] Name: Kel Varni Age: 30 Gender: Male Birth Place: Orguis Weight: 180 lbs Height: 5'8" Personality: Kel likes to help people, but often does this more to improve or help himself more than for more humanitarian reasons. He likes to learn about the physical world, and can be very logical at times. This has lead to him having an interest in many academic areas, including chemistry, physics (Newtonian given the tech level), psychology, and philosophy. While he would rather not use his abilities to hurt people, he will defend people if they need him to. Bio: His uncle had used Water wielding to sense where the water was near the surface in the desert, and Earth Weilding to create wells in the area for the nomads that lived nearby. That lead to one of the governments in the area hiring him to produce wells in the city. One day while Kel was eight he was pretending to be an Earth wielder, using some of his uncle's old gloves, and some of the sandy soil near him moved. His uncle trained him, and when he was fourteen he started helping his uncle dig wells. When he was seventeen, while meditating near one of the fields, he found he could sense the minerals in the soil. With the help of his Uncle's girlfriend, an Earth Wielder in the city guard, he learned to fertilize soil and made a decent living helping the local farmers. Several years later, he was out in someone's field meditating, fixing the soil nutrients, when a group of bandits attacked. During the battle he got knocked down and had his meager Earth wielding counteracted by an Earth-wielding bandit. As the man approached him, he saw a poisonous snake near the man's leg. He hoped the man would get bitten and, a few seconds later the man started yelling, and jumped away from him. The man started screaming about a snake biting him and left to find the medic. He knew then that he must be a mind wielder, but unfortunately for him, there weren't any in the city. He needed to go somewhere else to learn, so he traveled to Ladria to learn from the best wielders in the land. He's been at the academy for just over a year. Wielder or Duel Wielder: Duel Element(s): Earth: Well dig: Creates a cylinder of stone .5 meters in diameter, which he lifts out of the Earth. He uses this mostly to strength train. Earth quake: Shakes the ground, breaking it under his opponents and knocking nearby people down. Geokinesis: Throws rocks at enemies or blocks attacks with rock. Sandstorm: rapid moving sand moves around him, obscuring the enemy's view of him. Mind: Creepy crawly attack: The enemy thinks that they were bit by a snake, stung by a scorpion, or something else from the area that is poisonous. Weapon: Arming sword (for bandits), bow & arrows (for hunting) [/hider]