[quote=@Thantos] [hider=God of Death and Fear] Name: Darko Despair Titles: God of Death and Fear, Torturer of Souls, Lord of Nightmares, Master of Misery True name: Ner'zhul Inspiration: an old Character sheet of mine from Scion Hero/Demigod/God, plus warcraft 3, the undead army, plus the lich king before arthus Appearance: Appears in black robes that flows with tortured souls like a oil spilling in the ocean(statues of him are made of onyx and they are often showing him with three screaming souls swirling about him, his robe looking like its in a breeze and one of his clawed hands holding a limp body, art of him shows him sitting on his throne with a bunch of souls beneath his thrown screaming, and his undead followers in the background) to mortals [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B7wfQ18IQAAca-q.jpg:large[/img] to the gods[img]http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/122/b/8/the_grim_reaper_by_deadmanawake-d6tvinb.jpg[/img] Symbols: Mark of Death and Fear, a skull, it will appear in the most bizarre places, and usually where that symbol is seen someone will die or has died, it can appear in water, in the ashes of a burned down house, or even in the sky above a village, this symbol is even burned into the skin on the chest of each of his cultists, sometimes seen marking the way to the secret entrance to enter his realm but the road there is infested with his servants Portfolio: Death domain Alignment: Chaotic Evil Servitars: Undead Weapon: Claws (armored gauntlets that cover his arms and shoulders, each of them clawed and razor sharp) A Scythe, mainly used to put the undead in their place, but to the living, it is the very weapon they fear to see, for if that weapon shows up it always means that death is there to claim His prize, the magic behind this weapon can rip open the very fabric of the world and open up the gates to the underworld (shown in image above on its look) and also carries a book of dark evil magic, written in a forbidden language for the Gods of Light, but for the Gods of darkness, its common tongue, but the language hasn't been seen since the end of the War, and even then, uttering the forbidden tongue was still devastating (the book is spiked and filled with pure evil, written in the blood of the fallen god, Jerüld, the original leader of the gods before he was murdered) for the chosen few weapons that represent fear or death(ex. a scythe, execution ax, hook chains etc) Familiar: Night Mares [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs41/i/2009/013/4/7/Contest_Entry__Nightmare_by_forgottenones.jpg[/img] A Dark Spirit tasked with the job of Delivering Bad Dreams, The Night Mares are truly His Greatest Creation, Capable of Traveling the world in minutes and deliver a bad dream to the wicked, they are his messengers to the mortal world, giving visions of his world and sometimes, if the dreamer is fortunate enough, they will see his plans for the mortals. only if they are lucky. The Nightmares are also his gift to the cults Oracle, for hearing him and understanding his orders Followers: undead followers (listed below) Wraith[img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081013213240/forgottenrealms/images/f/f3/4e_wraith.jpg[/img] Brutal and relentless horrid spirits that love nothing more than to terrify and cause panic in the mortal world, the Wraiths bodies make for perfect disguises in a haunt, they can look like a curtain or like a table cloth, they blend with the dark in a distance, but when you see the glow of their hell fire eyes like eyes and their horrible, nails on a chalkboard laugh, run for they don't stop till they are satisfied with their work Ghouls [img]http://www.rpgbooster.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/MicheleFrigo4.jpg[/img] mainly traveled in packs, Ghouls, swarm villages with their numbers, capable of walking like a zombie to running like a human in a matter of seconds, tireless and always hungry, they can devour a whole village within a matter of minutes. Packs consist of 180 to 240 Ghouls. Ghouls Being Fed [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/1/15659/3453427-ghouls-d%26d-kingdom_of_ghouls.jpg[/img] Banshees [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/250/4/9/deathshriek_banshee_by_velinov-d494yx4.jpg[/img] Banshees, used their horrible looks and blood curdling screams to terrify and kill their victims in a way worse than you can imagine, their screams shatter window and disorient at distance, but in small rooms, they can Kill, without hesitation. Mortal Followers (listed Below) Cultists [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/323/4/b/gathering_of_the_dark_cult_by_reneaigner-d336hlr.jpg[/img] They join because they want to, The Cultists, join into his Dark Cults out of fear and wish to be free of it, so, by capturing mortal sacrifices, they worship their Dark God and send him their gifts, The First Cult sacrificed a woman on a alter and caused to much of a hassle to clean up, so they begged him for better means of sacrifice. Hearing their Begging, he decided to grant them that purpose and opened a pit, in the pit was a 10 ghouls, enough to cause screams of Agony and Fear, so, from that point, for the last 500 years, they sacrificed to their God by tossing victims into the pit. Oracle [img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130820172314/l5r/images/thumb/f/f1/Shahai_6.jpg/640px-Shahai_6.jpg[/img] Given the Blessing of the God of Fear and Death, The Oracle is a ruthless relentless woman that wishes nothing more than to carry out her Dark Lords words and wishes, capable of seeing his plans and hearing his words, she is a extremely important asset to the cults of this God, without her the cults would be lost and scattered like cockroaches in the light, Her word is final when it comes to the cults, the only one higher than her, is The Dark Lord himself. Bio: Created out of the screams of agony and fear, he is truly a menace to avoid, capable of bringing out the most feared thing anyone is scared of and control over the afterlife. Before the war he was judged and shunned by his fellow gods, eventually he snapped and joined into a group of Dark Gods known as the Evil Ones, and as he showed that he was without mercy or regret. He was a perfect addition to the Council, he used his mastery over fear to scare mortals to death and upon their death created his Undead army of Wraiths, Ghouls and Banshees, and using their unique traits to spread Darkness through out the mortal world. When he was banished to the underworld he thought it best to drag their champions along with him, to punish the gods, now corrupt and tainted, each of the gods old champions, they became the lieutenants of his undead army each with a New name and gifted with a power of the underworld Lieutenants(shown below) Malantius, [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-MpCD94OZN3w/VSA9lN2ThKI/AAAAAAAAEg4/6qwi56xcG3g/w449-h382/shadow_demon.gif[/img], The Death Shroud, once a champion of the Gods of light, now after the great war between the god and he was dragged to the underworld by Darko, he went through great deal of torture till he realized that his God wasnt going to rescue him, so he cursed his old god and submitted to the will of darkness, control over Wraiths and Other spirits of Vengeance in the underworld Netholia, [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/bc/cb/e0/bccbe084623cf41b5550fb06ae50394e.jpg[/img], The Scream Rose, also a champion of the Gods of light, but after she was tortured by the Dark Lord, she was easy to take over, she was bathed in the the sorrows of the souls of suicide and grievance, thus becoming the General of of the Banshees and other weeping spirits in the underworld, her word is law to them, less they feel her wrath, she is known for her victims to be touched by a flower only found in the underworld, marking them for a banshee to scream into their ears Bancrul,[img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/01ef42e51a206f2b62526d81f662c40a/tumblr_neeyl8ADPL1tibuboo1_500.jpg[/img], The BoneLord, command over the ghouls and skeletons, this one was difficult to submit, but it took a little convincing and finally he got the fallen champion to curse the gods of light, now he is a scourge on the battle field, wielding a hammer and bearing a heavy suit of armor, he charges into a fight, skull first without hesitation Workers and their locations Arachnia-Sula,[img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/5e8159cdf95980c55d2052fd5f2ec9c8/tumblr_ngv0fpD74E1sp8yqvo1_500.jpg[/img] The GateKeeper, [img]https://everymagicalday.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/gate-89100405.jpg[/img] Zulious, [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/015/d/0/legend_of_cryptids_by_alexnegrea-d5rnj7h.jpg[/img] Maxius, [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/338/5/8/undead_knight_lrf_by_dcwj-d6ws094.jpg[/img] The Beast Master other- Damnation [img]http://wallpaper.metalship.org/walls/dragged-to-hell.pjpeg[/img] Dark Citadel [img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/187/7/2/dark_castle_by_jbrown67-d7phdia.jpg[/img] The Reapers Teeth [img]http://wallsave.com/wallpapers/2560x1440/fantasy-landscape/1643188/fantasy-landscape-night-moon-rocks-tree-hut-the-clouds-games-1643188.jpg[/img] The Plague Forest [img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/039/f/f/undead_forest_by_oo7genie-d4p4cvj.jpg[/img] The Dead Door [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UDkW4oW6Cg0/TmmmZDrdt_I/AAAAAAAAAws/eP4QnAYR7Mo/s1600/DoorInTheDragonsThroat.jpg[/img] Realm of Fear [img]http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/33281/hell-cross-moon-poster.jpg[/img] His Army During and After the War [img]http://www.wallpaperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20120131/soldiers%20weapons%20flags%20guild%20wars%20fantasy%20art%20armor%20ncsoft%20artwork%20guild%20wars%202%20blades%201680x1050_www.wallpaperhi.com_34.jpg[/img] his original champion, before he was slain by the hands of the champion of the God of Champions [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs15/f/2007/063/f/d/The_Champion_Of_War_by_FreeWingStudios.jpg[/img] Powers: Power over the very things that makes you scared of the dark, control over the Undead and other parts of his domain, The dead being his greatest purpose His Home: his rivers flowing with the souls of the mortals that thrived off murder, the sky weeping with the tears of the soul of the suicide, the land filled with the souls working hard labor digging and mining out the ore of his world, a metal he called Deahruelm,[img]http://flame.srb2.org/wallpaper/2008%20(1600%20x%201200%20Dual-Split%20Collection)%20(153%20Graphics,%20204MB)/geode%20-%20split/geode-right.jpg[/img], the metal used by his army for armor and weapons, light but strong and allow mobility, given to the other gods of Evil as a gift from him as a ally. His land filled with the screams of the dead suffering for their sins through out their lives, tortured living that ventured into his realm turning them to pure evil minions of his army [/hider] [/quote] Looks good! ACCEPTED [quote=@ActRaiserTheReturned] [b]-WIP-[/b] [b]Name[/b]: Dar'Tyrwin [b]Titles[/b]: Tyrwin The Thrice Ancient, The Man Of The Sacred Embers, Bearer Of Incense [b]True name:[/b] [i][b]Daath'arskaraath[/b][/i] [b]Inspiration[/b]: [url=http://imgur.com/d6tLGWu][img]http://i.imgur.com/d6tLGWu.jpg[/img][/url] [b]Appearance:[/b] ((To the gods)) [url=http://imgur.com/aWeFHSd][img]http://i.imgur.com/aWeFHSd.jpg[/img][/url] [b]Appearance[/b]: ((To mortals)) [url=http://imgur.com/CqZ8oKi][img]http://i.imgur.com/CqZ8oKi.jpg[/img][/url] [b]Symbols[/b]: [url=http://imgur.com/d6tLGWu][img]http://i.imgur.com/d6tLGWu.jpg[/img][/url] [b]Portfolio[/b]: [b]Sorcery, arcane lore and wizards, enchantment, thaumaturgy, etcetera. All things in Magic, which is basically just manipulating sources of supernatural power through various methods, such as study, meditation, emotional self-manipulation/control, or receiving boons from supernatural creatures (Witchcraft/Warlock powers).[/b] [b]Alignment[/b]: Neutral Good [b]Servitars[/b] The Afleheim, Light Elves. . . [b]Weapon[/b]: A staff [b]Familiar[/b]: An albino Owl [b]Followers[/b]: Anyone. If you don't want bad luck. . . If you want a good ending, his aspect of the god of "Fate" is the one you want to kiss up to the most. Of course, if you're superstitious or even a magician, he's the god of magic. His worshipers see him as the god of everything related to magic, from the Moon, to luck and even the very design of Fate. [b]Bio[/b]: He wanted to stay out of the mess. It was all insanity to him and he could see the spiders of fate weaving mischief among the gods. The war against the Creator displeased him and it made it hard even for him to see the outcome of the battle. When the Creator was murdered he was displeased, angry, and mournful. He prepared magically prepared fires for the funeral pyres, he prepared incense and he prepared an enchantment to grant a boon to those who payed due respect to the Creator over every following year. He was useful to the Creator, however, in preparing ways for losing gods and goddesses to escape their ultimate doom. [/quote] Looks fine, but I would if you would change his portfolio to just the name of the domain he is over that would be awesome. ACCEPTED [quote=@ActRaiserTheReturned] [url=http://imgur.com/ySfy6ZI][img]http://i.imgur.com/ySfy6ZI.gif[/img][/url] Sources of Inspiration: [b]Name[/b]: Old Hawke [b]Full (real) Name: [/b]Hawke Rendon Ogham [b]Age[/b]: Sixty Five [b]Appearance[/b]: -As Intro Image- [b]Personality[/b]: He's constantly studying magical secrets, charms and hoping to learn how to steer others to avoid trouble. Of course, studying magic so much has made him less competent at warning people of catastrophe. [b]Alignment[/b]: Any god of knowledge. [b]Morality[/b]: He tries to stay out of people's business. However, if he sees someone about to be brutalized, like a child, or anyone that has something wrong with them, he has been known to unleash both comical mischief and comical horrors. [b]Likes[/b]: He has a fascination with the color red, rubies especially. [b]Dislikes[/b]: He has a pet peeve of people being unhygenic. He's not that bad at bothering people for it, since this is in the ancient times, but if you really push the limit he can get very angry. [b]Secrets[/b]: He doesn't know this but he was born by the shed blood of creatures that fought during the God Wars. [b]Companion (Optional): Alphadore, his sweet little house cat. His sweet little house cat, with the intelligence of a Human wizard. [/b] Outfit: He has a skull cap and a black robe. Under his robe he possesses a loin cloth and nothing else. Other: - [/quote] I am confused about his and am hesitant to accept it because it looks like you are trying to have him be your god's champion which is against the rules. [quote=@The Grey Dust] Name: X (pronounced “ecks”) Titles: The Voice of the Silent, The Lord of Whispers, Veiled One. True name: Truly a secret worthy of the God of Secrets: [hider=It's a Secret!] Apocrypha [/hider] Inspiration: Appearance: [hider=To Mortals and Gods:] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/036/a/9/wizard_by_van_der_dot-d4osajb.jpg[/img] [/hider] Appearing to both Mortals and Gods in the same form, X does not differ his appearance to either party. A flowing robe conceals his physical manifestation, dissolving the God to little more than a pair of long slender hands emerging from the sleeves and a partial face beyond the veil of eternal mystery. There is no face beyond the lower half of his visage, and in truth nothing beneath the robes. Symbols: A circle with an X, representing something not only disallowed once, but twice over as something truly forbidden. It is also a reference to his namesake. [hider= Symbol of Secrets] [img]http://www.decodeunicode.org/en/data/glyph/196x196/29BB.gif[/img] [/hider] Portfolio: Secrets Domain; Subdomains of Arcana, Mystery, and Truth. X governs information and the flow of information. That which is known can be struck from memory, that which is not known can be revealed. Even Omniscience of the gods cannot undo what X has done once a secret is made. X harbors these secrets in his forbidden books and controls the darkest secrets of the world. He was once a god of knowledge, specifically dangerous knowledge and his domain entices others who seek it. For there is power in secrets, and what secrets does the God of Secrets harbor from the Gods themselves? Alignment: Lawful Neutral Servitors: [hider=Bookkeepers.] [img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs40/PRE/i/2009/038/0/7/Review9_by_redpeggy.jpg[/img] Inherently Blind, Deaf and Mute, these phantasmal creatures are chained to their respective lecterns. They merely keep the structure afloat and mobile as they record in their book that which was seen, heard or spoken by stealing the sensation of others which can see, hear or speak for their own. Their books are often treasured as analects of secrets or volumes of recorded history, some may even transcend the ordinary and become a Forbidden Book. [/hider] Weapon: The Forbidden Books of Knowledge: Secrets are power. Scattered throughout the world in the aftermath of the God Wars, these artifacts of X may fall into the hands of mortals often not by chance alone. The mystical books harbor many topics from the hidden arts of summoning creatures which should not be, to the method of attaining godhood. Nevertheless, all secrets come at a price, and to glean information from one of the sealed books one must break the seal placed upon it by X. To do so would be to offer a great revelation, an important secret that no one else knows, and with this exchange of information does book unlock itself and reveal a sliver of knowledge before sealing itself once more to hear another secret. In such a way, one secret is revealed and traded for another. While the books themselves have secret names, mortals who know of their existence give them common names. The Compendium Explanaris for example is a traveller’s guide to the far realms at the edge of known creation. The Diabolic Folio lists out methods to conjure terrible evil avatars from the underworld, while The Volume of Exalted Paragons is summons forth avatars of good from the Heavens. The Blackest Grimoire is filled with the practice of necromancy and beyond with the secret to create new life. The Fata Matera is a book of fate, detailing methods of how to change fate and defy the gods. Lesser books are unnamed and contain secrets of sorcery, magic and arcana, while others are caches of secrets kept throughout history which can be brought to light to change it. Finally the greatest of all: The Ledger of Apotheosis where all secrets are kept, and the true names and whispered banes of the immortals themselves are rumored to be. The Ledger of Apotheosis is said to be the Book which appears with X as he manifests in physical form. Familiar: White and Black Pepper Moths. The White Moths reveal secrets, while the Black Moths create secrets. Followers: [hider=Seers and Oracles.] [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/025/f/f/ffc4da893398be3e423730b6e6994f1f-d73ij5z.jpg[/img] [/hider] They who seek to learn the secret fates of others. [hider=Mages, Scholars and Researchers] [img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/286/9/c/majorarcana_ix_by_artofty-d82nyqx.jpg[/img] [/hider] They who seek to learn the secrets of the arcane arts, esoteric and more. [hider=Order of the White Moth] [img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/155/6/b/robes_by_apostolon_iam-d7l09ll.jpg[/img] [/hider] The Order of the White Moth seeks to collect and protect secrets. [hider=Order of the Black Moth] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/114/9/7/Chaos_Librarian_by_daarken.jpg[/img] [/hider] The Order of the Black Moth seeks to collect and use secrets. Bio: Long ago, before the great schism of the gods, X was a God of Knowledge, benevolent and kind. There was no need for secrecy, silence was never needed for an answer. X knew all, well beyond the stretch of the other gods, X saw deep into the world and of its inner workings. For a time, the mortals knew X for the gifts he brought alongside his brethren. The knowledge of how to tame fire, magic and medicine to name a few things X had deemed appropriate for the Mortals and approved by the other gods as he argued reasons why they should have such knowledge. Fire to provide them warmth and allow them to send burnt offerings to their gods, Magic to shape their world without the need of divine intervention, and Medicine such that they may extend their lives to worship their gods. All these things X believed were well and good, and for centuries it was. Then was made the first secret of existence. That which X did not know came into the minds and thoughts of the Evil gods. This was the first fall of power he had experienced, and from it, they had used his lack of knowledge against him. They had planned this for decades beyond time, with humans they rebelled against the Creator using the very knowledge X had so innocently given away years before. And so it began, a war known now as the Clash of Gods. When it was over, X was no longer the God of Knowledge, but rather now corrupted by the birth of Secrets. The Creator had asked of X one task for his failings. Though he was found innocent of conspiring with the Evil Gods, he was sentenced to dwell in the heavens, never again to intercede and bring the gift of Knowledge to the world. But not before striking out the name of Fallen one from all of history, time and memory. This was his first act, as the God of Secrets. Now in the ethereal realms of his hidden sanctum does he listens to the world. Recording that which is unseen by the public eye. Lovers moonlight trysts, assassination plots and more. Watching vigilant against those who would abuse knowledge as the evil ones did. [/quote] This looks like a very interesting god character. ACCEPTED [quote=@KatherinWinter] Name: Mistress of Shadow Titles: Shadow Queen True name: Schattenspiel Inspiration: Appearance: [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs30/f/2008/049/c/5/Ico__Shadow_Queen_by_Drhio.jpg[/img] Symbols: [img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs51/PRE/i/2009/338/f/8/Cloak_and_Dagger_Symbol_by_thalionel.png[/img] Portfolio: Shadows Alignment: Neutral Servitors: Humans Weapon: Knives Familiar: black panther Followers: Assassins, thieves, anyone seeking to remain hidden Bio: [/quote] Looks great, but I would like to see a Bio before I accept it. I am going to edit my characters and hopefully have them up by tomorrow night.