We've decided to take a more free-form approach the world building aspect of this RP. We're running a 'build as we go' format so, we new lore, settings and races etc reveal themselves organically, we'll add them in here. We're also including this for any new folks that feel like helping us build a world by joining in the RP, so all the key information is here for catch-up. [u][b]Gods[/b][/u] [u][b]She of the Veils[/b][/u] One of the pantheon of Gods. Although not exactly a god of death, she stands as more of a guardian of the dead, a protector of those who have passed. She is often depicted faceless, with multiple arms - although the exact number differs depending on depiction - each holding a veil. It is this aspect of her mythology that has lead to the prominence of placing of veils over the faces of the deceased in many of the World's burial ceremonies and rituals. [u][b]He of Banners[/b][/u] Often depicted on horseback, he is a God of battle and death in combat. He is viewed a benevolent and is worshipped by armies throughout the World. He is synonymous with honour, courage and righteousness through glorious conflict. In addition to often been shown mounted, he is rarely depicted without his long bow. The mythology surrounding him is that he was such a skilled archer that he could fire and arrow into the heavens that would never fall to earth. He is the patron of soliders. [u][b]She who Nurtures[/b][/u] She is also known as Mother of All, depending on where her worshippers come from. She is the patron of children and new life, and is often depicted seated and pregnant. She is seen as one of the most powerful gods as she is seen to oversee the circle of all life from human down to insect and plant. She has been bastardised by a small sect of necromancers who worship her, misguidedly believing that she has a hand in their work to reanimate the dead.