Fray peered down to Glass as he laid in the broken earth, her shoulder pretty much gone from the sheer force of the attack that the namekain had landed on her. Peering over the the dwindling fight that was going on, Fray's mask rolled off her face while her tail reformed back into its tail like construct. It was then that she felt the building power below her, turning to look at Glass a smile was still on her face and a look of 'this was fun' about her. With hat she let loose her power, deciding that if he was willing to do such a thing then they may as well be taken out in the most glorious way possible! [b]*BOOOOOOM*[/b] Both Vera and Gwen felt the very ground shake and the sky rip apart as the massive explosion sent a tidal wave of molten rock and metal across the planet! With that the fight between the two had finished [color=a187be][b]"I knew they would match up well, I hope they both gained something"[/b][/color] Vera said, just as she raised her hand to block a incoming attack from B, her head not even turned towards him as she did so. [color=a187be][b]"You however, have learned NOTHING!" [/b][/color]For the first time Vera expressed anger towards the young namekain as she tried to push his arm down and finish him with a powerful kick! Splitting his power in two and trying to take on two tireless enemies at once was not a clever move sadly. Gwen was pretty much the same way, deciding to finish it fast, even using her enhanced reflexes to dash into the attack before it started to try and cut off A's arms and finish up before the wave of lava reached them.