"Close Your Eyes?" Lucy let out a small laugh between her lips, which complimented the way she held the cigarette in her mouth as she spoke, "I should give them a check-out," she pulled the cigarette from her lips after speaking, letting out a nicotine cloud of smoke emit from her feminine touched lips. Holding the cigarette in her left hand, between her fingers, she ran her spare hand--her right hand--through her pink, straight hair. Moments later, Parker came outside and made a mark at her. Missing, of course, on all proper commentary. She turned to him, leaning on one leg, with her hip propped out of line with her body. She put the cigarette back in her mouth and pulled it out, again--letting another nicotine cloud escape from her lips, "Did I really? I thought we came to a [i]different[/i] agreement," she made another one of her small laughs, snarky and a little over confident. Parker was [i]not[/i] in control of her. Sometimes, however, she wished he had that control over her--but she was [i]not[/i] about to let her mind wander to some such fictional sin playing in her head, which seemed to be haunting her sleep patterns as of lately. As much as they haunted her dreams, she was not about to let them crawl through her mind during her waking life. [i]Hormones.[/i] She hated them. "Besides, what [i]real[/i] harm can one do every now and then?" She grinned at him. She knew they were harmful, but she had done so much worse with drugs -- and Parker was one to talk. Lucy hardly believed that he had given up on drugs. He was just too [i]sinfully[/i] handsome for such a customary addiction to be taken off so easily. She turned to the rest of the group, trying her best not to let Parker's comment grab a hold of her and make her mind wander towards the feeling of guilt. She was already angry at Parker--for no reason, but now. . now, she had a reason. He was [i]pestering[/i] her on her lifestyle. Her lifestyle was just fine. She did not need Parker overbearingly telling her what she could or could not do. [i]If[/i] she wanted to enjoy a cigarette every now and then (preferably, now), then she should have the right, right? It wasn't like she was shooting, popping, or snorting. "I would love to watch movies, and I don't mind crashing. I don't have work tonight," television and menstruation seemed to come hand-in-hand. Especially the couch surfing, "And, God fuck me please, Aladdin, but only if its in its original format, because that's where my favorite part lies--when Aladdin nonchalantly and subliminally says, 'Teenagers take off your close,' as Rajah is jumping on him," she smirked wider, "Disney's so evil. I love it," she ran her hand through her hair, again, noticing it had managed to maneuver itself back to her face and bothering her. She took another smoke from her cigarette, feeling her stomach cramps subsiding. God, she loved nicotine. Parker could go suck if for all she cared, but then again, she did care and in that, felt a slight bit guilty for thinking so ill of him as her stomach cramps subsided.