[b][centre]~Anton~[/centre][/b] Anton looked up at the moon - it was almost full. Pulling on her jacket, she edged into the darkness beyond her apartment door. She could hear other people (probably werewolves) saying goodbye to family and friends, and sighed. As she walked down the stairs a few fellow werewolves gave her dirty looks; she gave them straight back. She felt like getting drunk. Too drunk. The drink would drown all her sorrows, like being demoted, her friend loss, everything. Besides, the more she drank, the less discomfort she would feel tomorrow. As Anton walked into the cool night air, she could (with her developed senses) smell someone lurking in the shadows. She pretended not to notice them, then turned around and pounced. Her face connected with the pavement. 'Ah.' she thought, when her eyes met with a squirrel. Maybe she was losing her touch. Heading towards the bar, she could swear she smelled an unpleasant human scent. Anton walked in the bar. "Gimme a round o' Fireside Flamers - mostly wine, yeah?" she ordered at the barmaid. She could see a fellow beta wolf, Stephen, lurking in a corner. She gave him a small salute and, grinning, yelled behind her, "And an extra strong vodka!"