[quote=@Pyromania99] Well, I've been waiting for an RP to catch my eye. I expect a major nostalgia trip on this. XD That being said, are there going to be restrictions? Like, can mages cast only spells from the repertoire in Warcraft II? Or are there greater options say like in WoW? Also, judging from what you mentioned in the thing I'm guessing no, but any gender restrictions? I can make a character one way or the other I'm just curious. [/quote] Those are good questions, and questions I'm happy to answer. [b]Will there be gender restrictions?[/b] No. I'll allow male and female variants of all classes. [b]Can mages cast only spells from the repertoire in Warcraft II?[/b] Yes. Despite the game's age, there are several spells - enough to give the Mage and Paladin options. I'm currently debating whether to open up the Orc's school of magic, allowing a Mage to specialise - or I may just list all the spells, and let the Mage characters pick a set amount. If this proves unpopular however (and I won't know unless you give feed back!), then I'll look at opening it up to Warcraft III and WoW's spells. Just to be clear though, here's WCII's spell list. [url=http://www.wowwiki.com/Warcraft_II_abilities]Click :D[/url]