[b]Carlson[/b] The night was young, and so were most of the betas. That was sort of a reminder to Carlson as he slipped on his jacket to head to the bar. He had to make sure no one got too drunk to where they started something- he couldn't afford to pay the bar's owner[i] again[/i]. A lot of his Omega's decide to rest these days, but there was bound to be a few at the bar to assist him. He slinked in, and sat at the bar, just ordering a lager. He would [i]not[/i] get drunk tonight, so this would be all he'd get. He prayed he wouldn't be breaking up any fights tonight. Looking over at the barrister, who he'd told Stiofan to scope out as a potential new member- perhaps they'd even train together as Omegas if Carlson could get things going his way. [b]Nanix[/b] Tonight was going to be busy as hell. It always is, once a month. The day varies but its almost always before the full moon. Why? Nanix had no idea, but any excuse to see and chat with the irish guy who always came in was good enough for her. She cleaned a few glasses before people started coming in, and wiped down the bar as patron's sat. She served swiftly- not having to make anything frilly helped, and she tried not to visibly perk up when Stiofan entered. She waited for him to get situated before taking a breath and walking over to him. "Hey there, what cna I get you?"