[quote=@Royzooka][b]So is it just me or have all the hardworking and dedicated RPers gone or at least rare to come across?[/b] [/quote] I know here you coming from, I am 22 and I have role played over 13 years of that life span, started out on the runescape forums, then left there after some good years and floated around the internet role playing here and there. I have have tons of role plays I have started hundreds upon hundreds of them, and out of those role plays only few have made it to the end. Some died in the middle, the beginning, some never even made it to the story and died before it began. To simply say the reason why dedicated role players are a dime a dozen is because of something specific would be way to vague. There are tons of reasons why honestly, some just don't have the time to dedicate to their own creation or even to others role plays, some start out thinking its cool then they see the direction it goes and ops out of the role play, some merely join post a few posts then leave without saying a word. There are even those who love creating characters just to create then just leave feeling accomplished. Some are just kids who like to type, but get uninterested rather quickly like most kids of young age do. Honestly the list can go on an on, I have heard many different reasons over the years. Finding dedicated role players is tough sometimes and that is a reality on any site where role playing takes place. Take it from me I have played on many sites and its the same thing over and over again. Its the same concept even for gaming as well and many different things. I wouldn't say its rare to find a dedicated player, however I will say that it can be frustrating at time. You just gotta roll with the punches and keep trying and not let it get to you. Sooner or later you find people who are dedicated and keep it going.