[color=39b54a][b]Morgana ''Mori'' Winchester[/b][/color] The moon cycle was around again, surely like a clock that never stops ticking. And with that came the Backhouse. Ughh she hated that place. It reeked of alcohol, and reminded her of her own gruesome father, whose only purpose in this world was to indulge in that distasteful liquid. She never quite understood, why the werewolves would want to get drunk on the night before the full moon, or what was even the point of it, but since it was made a ritual, a filthy tradition, she could do nothing to prevent it. Yes, she was the alpha female, but she had no saying in this kinds of matters. Actually, she thought, she didn't have that many sayings in anything. It was always Carlson, who had the last word, which was overall fine as that's how the things work in the pack, but Mori was still getting annoyed. By the drinking, by the secrecy, by Ryan growling at her everytime she mentioned his boyfriend, and by [i]her[/i]. Of course, Fay was there. Where else could she be? Oh, actually she could be anywhere, doing anything, it's a freaking miracle that she was now exactly where she was supposed to be. [i]God, this Moon is making me crazy[/i], Mori thought to herself, when she noticed how edgy she'd become upon arriving at the bar. She glanced over the bar, and her family members, and despite her better judgement decide to walk over to Fay, who was sitting by the counter. ''Fay,'' she said with a cold smile on her face. ''I thought we'd be missing you tonight, here. Don't you have anywhere else important to be? Like you do, you know…usually?'' Mori smirked at her, ordering herself a glass of juice as per usual.