[b][color=#04B404]Thomas[/color][/b] Gasping for air, Thomas had failed to execute the werewolf that he had been hunting, both of them trading blows, only for the werewolf to scamper away in the death of the night right before the killing blow. The traps he had set were faulty and didn't spring up in time, and he could only smile at this. The cool dead air of the night hit his face, taking a glance at his left arm, it was bleeding profusely, though this didn't pester him. Having a high pain tolerance is something basic for every hunter, otherwise you'd be dead from the outset. [i][color=#04B404]"Quick little bugger, managed to escape huh."[/color][/i] he thought to himself. --- Eyeing a bar that he frequents in the city, Thomas liked the lively atmosphere of it, bar fights were common place too. With a grin, he entered the place with a [i]ding[/i], Arm still moderately bleeding, he had planned to go to the hospital to get it patched right up, but then eyed the bar and decided that, [i][color=#04B404]"Well, I mean the bar is closer to the hospital, a quick beer wouldn't hurt and it would probably numb the pain."[/color][/i] he said to himself right after entering the door, walking up to a bar lady, he asked her for a quick beer, to which she nodded but became a bit wide eyed at the sight of his arm. [i][color=#04B404]"Ah this, well don't worry about it, the beer will numb it out. Haha"[/color][/i] he said to her with an ear to ear smile. Walking around to find an empty location, gathering a few stares from the other patrons, he quickly found a seat. Thomas didn't notice but he was dropping bits of blood all over the place as he walked to the empty seat, afterwards he just sat there, leaned back looking at the ceiling letting the fatigue hit and simply waited for his beer to arrive.