Name: Elena Moriarty Age: 16, as far as everyone knows. Only one person knows her exact birth date. One living person. Appearance: As girly as a girl can get, Elena is basically a princess with a deadly side. About 5' 4", coming in at a light 113 pounds, she has the body of a gymnast and the strength and endurance of a bodybuilder. With dark red hair, and piercing green eyes, she has a very striking quality about her, and more than one male has gotten a death glare for being caught staring. With a rather large chest, and plenty of curves, she's the definition of a budding young woman. History: Born to a family of U.S. CIA agents, Elena was raised being hardened and shaped into a killer. She knew at least 30 ways to kill a man by 10, and by 12was one of the CIA's best assassin's, and had at least 10 different aliases. The CIA used her to infiltrate crime groups and bring them down. During her 12th year, she was sent into Texas to infiltrate an organized crime group there. As one of her trials to get in, she was sent to kill the Undying Man. The Undying Man was a man named Hubert Pratt who refused to pay off the group, and was most likely a snitch. During her escapade, she failed, unable to kill a man who could not die. When she was discovered by the group, a joint effort of CIA and FBI agents faked her death and put her into the Witness Protection program, where she would be safe from them. Moved out to California, she was slowly integrated into the locale and told to keep her cover no matter what. She enrolled at a local high school and has been there since, fading into the school. She easily infiltrated the populars, and besides being a great cheerleader and fighter, nothing about her stands out anymore. Her alibi is that she's the daughter of a rich engineer, who moved out to California to work on clean energy. She plays along by driving a very expensive sports car and always being up to date on the latest fashions. The only time her cover has ever come close to being blown was when she was accidentally pushed out of a second story window, but managed to land on her feet and roll to a safe landing. She pretended to have a sprained ankle, and went with the story that she managed to use a ledge to slow her fall. Skills: [hider=Basic Assassin Skills] Assassin's Sneak Elena can blend in with almost any surrounding, and when she slips into the shadows she can basically disappear. She's silent when she wants to be, and often scares her so called friends by sneaking up on them. Blades of Fury She's skilled in all types of bladed combat, and can dismember a person in almost 100 different ways. She's mastered all types of sword stances, and would make most samurai's look like amateurs. Ranged Shot Elena can take almost any gun and shoot someone a football field away, and her skills with a sniper rifle are unmatched. A crack shot, she once killed a man from a half mile away with a pistol, in one shot. Misc Elena can crack almost any computer code, and is an expert hacker. She's also skilled in anatomy and medicines, and can poison or heal any wound that isn't fatal. She's also a survivalist, and can disappear into a wooded area and survive indefinitely. [/hider] [hider=Normal Human Skills] Elena is super intelligent, passing all her classes with flying colors. She easily fits in with any crowd, and makes friends easily. She easily reads people, and is actually really cool if you aren't her enemy. A very lascivious and alluring girl, she goes on plenty of dates, although not always with guys. [/hider] Personality: Elena is pretty much the same in and out of killer mode. As a normal girl, Elena likes to have fun, often going to parties and to hang out places. Friends with pretty much the entire school, she never has a weekend without anything to do. Super-smart, she often tutors the other popular kids who aren't so bright. In assassin mode, she doesn't change much, although she's been known to get quite angry sometimes. She has a bit of a psycho style, making jokes and giggling as she kills someone. She's been referred to as "The NutJob, although no one's ever said that and lived. Misc: Elena doesn't carry weapons, as she doesn't have to. She can take any item and make it lethal, and once stabbed someone with one of her high-heels.