[color=teal][IRIS][/color] [color=orange][LEN][/color] [color=orange]The newcomer did not seem impressed with their newfound space. Neither was Len, if he was to be honest. He shrugged at her comments about the grain silo. [b] “Well, it is what it is. Best we got. It may or may not keep them worms away but shit. ‘Least ifn’ they do come we won’t be all wet.”[/b] It wasn’t until her next comment that he registered slight surprise. [i]”Listen, about earlier. I don't know what I was thinking"[/i] He looked her in the eyes, trying to decide if she was serious or not. [b] “You actually gonna apologize? Shiiiit, nobody apologizes in this world no more. Well, I won’t say it’s okay, cause you DID point my own damn crossbow at my sister but…”[/b] His voice trained off for a moment, his eyebrows crinkling as if he were trying to solve one of the mysteries of the universe. [b] “But I suppose long as we have an understandin’ that the next time that happens, it’ll be the last, we’ll be alright. Now my sis, she might need more convincin’ than that, or maybe not. We’ll see.” [/b] Len was about to continue when he heard some say “I can’t really go to sleep until you guys do.” He spun around to see a man holding a crossbow, pointed right at him and his sis. He blinked, stared for a moment, blinked again. Then he rolled his eyes, shaking his head in frustration. [b] “Well I’ll be a monkey’s son of a [i]bitch[/i]!!”[/b] he exclaimed, letting out a deep, bitter sigh. He turned to Iris, rolling his eyes again. [b] “What the fuck, Iris? Every gat-damn-body and their special cousin’s be drawin’ down on us today! This is startin’ to get just a lil’ on my nerves, Sis…” [/b] He turned back to the man before them, took a step forward. If anything, the man *should* keep the weapon trained on him, and not Iris. [b] “You got ‘bout two cotton-pickin’ seconds to lower that fuckin’ peashooter before I plant my boot so far up your ASS you gonna taste leather for the next ten gat-damn years!!”[/b] Len roared, not out of control--more like a controlled fury slowly rising, like a long dormant volcano nearing eruption.[/color] [color=teal]Iris shook her drenched head back and forth slowly as Len and Kara spoke with one another. Or more like- yelled with one another. If Iris were to be honest about her feelings right now, Kara would probably end up crying some more, and Iris wasn’t in the mood to deal with that. The red head would definitely need to prove herself before Iris could even think about trusting this woman. [i]”Yuuup. We’ll see.”[/i] she spoke in echo of Len, stretching her slender arms above her head. As if their luck had not been bad enough, a young man now was in their presence and pointing his cross bow at the three of them. Len began spitting out insults as the man looked dreary and exhausted towards them. Iris could tell by his dark demeanor that he probably needed a good night’s rest. [i]Len!”[/i] Iris shouted over his roars, her hand gripping his shoulder tight from behind. She leaned in with a harsh whisper, [i]”We can’t afford to be hollering like this.”[/i] she released her grasp, looking between the faces that had gathered. "Easy now, we're friendly" Kara called mumbling off something extra at the end. Iris took the opportunity to agree with her, [i]”Yessir, we’re friendly. Just tryna’ keep dry and warm tonight. If this is your spot we’ll be leaving just as soon as the rain stops.”[/i] Iris nodded, hoping the man would do as Kara did - stand down.[/color] [color=orange]Tense as Len was, ready for a fight (as he most always was), the second Iris’ hand made contact with his shoulder, he relaxed--enough to be noticed, anyway. He sort of...deflated. He was still glaring at the man, however, deep rage in his eyes. He listened to her whisper, and realized as usual, Iris was right though. Now wasn’t exactly the time to be getting into trouble. He closed his eyes for a long time, nodding. He’d only been trying to protect Iris--and if the guy so much as twitched the wrong way, he’d make sure that he’d take the man out with him. [b] “Alright...alright,” [/b] Len murmured, folding his arms over his chest. He snorted as Kara tried to convince him how “friendly” they were. Arching an eyebrow as Iris agreed with Kara, he snorted again. [b] “Yeah. We ‘bout as friendly as a tic-tac, Gunslinger. So be nice if you’d just back down now.[/b] The emphasis that he put on “gunslinger” was meant as a weak insult ,but he didn’t really care at this point. He didn’t like the guy, and would’ve preffered to take his chances with the Langue at the moment.[/color]