[center][h1]A Complete History of Altrania[/h1] [h2]Ultikana Re[/h2] [hr] [h1]The First Age[/h1] [hr] [h2]Genesis[/h2] From the depths of [b]Kaeros[/b], the ancient dark, came a single ray of brilliant light, and a single tear of the all-mother, [b]Protimi[/b]. The tear carried the fabric of the world. The light was sent to watch the tear, to turn to tear into a world. The light was [b]Gaea[/b], and the tear was [b]Giterras[/b]. The light and the tear combined and separated into the realms of the living and nonliving. Thus, two houses emerged: the [b]Upper Realm of Gnosae[/b], the all-seeing, and the [b]Lower Realm of Tyfiz[/b], the blind. It was decreed that the [b]Gnosae[/b] were to rule to [b]Tyfiz[/b]. While Gnosae merged, tyfiz remaied an unloving chaos. Thus, Gnosae divided beyond the original 5 [b]Materem[/b] by the 4 [b]Elemintem[/b], as well as the 10 [b]Yilikathar[/b] to give infinite varibles to [b]Tyfiz[/b]. [quote=The Materem, Elemintem, and Yilikatharm] [h3]The Five Materem[/h3] Myrodzu (Smell) Thaemao (Sight) Avidima (Touch) Akiosti (Hear) Givzi (Taste) [h3]The Four Elemintem[/h3] Petvro (Solid) Ygrim (Liquid) Aeri (Air) Ergefloga (Energy) [h3]The Ten Yilikatharm[/h3] Jynth Kadre Milidi Nomo Kaidron Mitzith Nyobika Tyrethime Juguh Yonigyrid[/quote] [hr] [h2]The War of Gods[/h2] The light and tear of [b]Protimi[/b] had entered a universe of darkness---one that lay dormant for eternities. [b]Kaeros[/b], in response to the threat of impurity, mobilized. [b]Kaeros[/b], like the newly formed [b]Gnosae[/b], was one living being. Each had formed a god, and they were of exact equal power. [b]Tyfiz[/b] was thrown into chaos. One tenth of all matter, the [i]Yilikatharm Yonigyrid[/i], was given to the [b]Kyenov[/b] (Void). The [b]Kyenov[/b] grew through the fighting, stretching to half of the universe. Finally, both sides had worn each other out. They needed a new weapon---[b]Titans[/b]. [hr] [h2]The War of Titans[/h2] The opposing forces decided the only way to gain an edge was to use lesser and independent beings. These beings would have to be near-gods to defeat their opponent, yet just as well be free of control and thus able to betray. Because they were independent beings, they are governed by the two laws of creation: All creations of gods cannot be gods, and and no god may control any creation. With this the titans were created. [hr] [h2]The War of Creation[/h2] [hr] [h2]The Cataclysm of Jyon and the Departure of Gods[/h2] [hr][/center]