[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/iJQYlLX.png[/img] [b]STATUS:[/b] accepting! [b]FANDOM:[/b] dragon age: origins. [b]WRITING LEVEL:[/b] low advanced.[/center] [h3][i][b]FIRST PLOT ; CANON EVENTS.[/b][/i] [/h3] [hider=demon's scars.] There are tales of a woman who made a deal with the D E V I L ; blood mages are a dangerous force. And yet, she smiles with the smile of a child and her hands are crafted to heal as well. Sleeping in silence, playing the pet of the First Enchanter, the story of Rosaire Amell was something that was commonplace in the Ferelden Tower of Magi. And now they gave the girl an army. She stands before you now, Alistair Theirin, and she is broken and she is bruised. She bears the burden of your sin so that you do not have to. What do you do? Do you take the hand of the only remaining Grey Warden after the Betrayal of Ostagar? Or do you turn away from her, do you frown upon her because there are things you do not yet know about her? Your role, whether you know it or not, is to take her by the hand, gripping her scarred flesh tightly in yours, smiling at her. You will protect her, you promise, and you will help her rebuild the Grey Wardens of Ferelden, the ancient heroes of old. So stop smiling at her like that, you blonde idiot. You two have work to do. TL;DR -- Warden!Amell/Alistair, canon events. This post will be updated with Amell's character sheet momentarily.[/hider] [h3] [b][i]SECOND PLOT ; SPEAKEASY AU.[/i][/b] [/h3] [hider=hello, darling.] If magic doesn't exist, then how does this woman manage to ensnare you day after wretched day with her looks? Every smile, every laugh that comes out of those lips, stained red with the color of hatred and blood, pulls you from your senses and brings you into a wonderland of beauty. But with every beautiful person is their ugly secrets, and you're determined to find out just what this woman ( [i]you remember her name well, 'Rosaire Amell'; a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.[/i] ) is hiding. Your name is Alistair Theirin, and to many, you're the awkward and young bartender at the Tower speakeasy -- they know the one, with the foreign piano player from Antiva, the next city over, and the beauty of a chanteuse, Leliana -- but to those who get to see you on the off-hand, they know you as much more. The boss likes you; Duncan likes you. He saw the potential in you, and he wanted you for the his elite group of criminal, the Grey Wardens. Protectors of the Common Folk. Taking down the big men one bastard at a time. TL;DR -- Amell/Alistair, speakeasy/1920s AU. If interested, ask for the positions/setting post. [/hider] [h3][i][b]THIRD PLOT ; POST-KING! ENDING.[/b][/i][/h3] [hider=the other woman.]Anora could give less of a shit as to what you did at night. You weren't her husband, Cailan was. But Cailan is gone and you aren't. You aren't a stupid man, it makes perfect sense as to what she wants and to what you want. And so, your agreement is met. There's a woman, another woman. Kings have lovers; this is nothing new. After all, you are the product of such. But this woman is [i]your[/i] woman, the woman you have loved for ages, and only one thing is stopping her from being on that throne next to you right now: Her title. First Enchanter Rosaire Amell is your lover, the woman of the shadows. It's rare when she requests an audience, but you know when it's coming. You can see her handwriting in the letters, and she's sure to enchant the papers for you; they smell like her. Lavender and honeysuckle, you remember. As if you forgot. With a hasty signature, you accept her request for an audience, and plead with her to let you pick the location this time. A smile runs across your lips-- to the garden, Romeo, where no one else is allowed to see your Juliet. TL;DR -- King!Alistair/First Enchanter!Amell, triggering topics such as cheating, perhaps possible wedlock are possible to come up in this thread.[/hider]