EDIT: Live thread is here: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/80677-a-future-far-divided/ic This story takes place millions of years from now. At some point in the future technology began to force an evolution into mankind. We began to become symbiotic with it. Nanites floated through the bodies of many throughout the known territories. But there were purists that opposed this “infection” of technology that plagued their time and they turned away from it, seeking to find a balance and harmony with the universe. Sarulians was the name they took to calling themselves. Many centuries and millennium past and mankind became truly one with technology. Their bodies now produced a natural EM field that allowed them to interact with electronics with just a touch. Technology as a whole changed and the Valorian Empire was formed. It wasn't an empire of land, but of minds. All though the Valorians were able to communicate mentally by touch and through their technology over range, eons of genetic habit make verbal communication the preference when in close company. They retained a human physic but over time shortened, during the period we will be posting the average Valorian is 5’6” and the tallest wouldn't reach 6’. While this was happening the Sarulian purists became one with their environment and evolution had a decidedly different direction for them. They grew both spiritually and physically. (Think Ronso [url]http://i670.photobucket.com/albums/vv67/Golbez01/Ronso.jpg[/url] ) Minus the horn and with a much more human face. They became very Shamanistic and the color of their fur is dependent upon the tribe. There are nine total tribes. The Sarulian began to understand the natural elements of nature and how to control them and in time they became very powerful, each tribe devoting themselves to their own specific element. Through collaboration they were able to combine elements and create powerful ships and technology, a match of the Valorians. What ensued was a civil war that has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years and has consumed four galaxies. The concept of a “whole human” is forgotten in the myths and legends and all notions that the two races were in the past truly one no longer exists. The war has gone badly for the Valorians; and if not for the infighting between the Sarulian tribes they would have been wiped out a long time ago. Now they have only a small territory hidden deep in a remote corner of the Pegasus galaxy. They use this as a home base to make raids against the various Sarulian tribes with. In the midst of this turmoil a freak of nature throws a wild card into this divided and war torn universe. A rift opens in the desert of a remote planet dumping out a handful of humans from the year 2015. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The above is a very brief overview of the situation our group would be plunged into. The story would open with a survivalist experience before the group is plunged into chaos of the situation of that time, part of the reason for this is to allow some character growth and bonding before stuff hits the fan. The mouth of the worm hole that sucks the group through time and space opens in times square and sucks up people at random, as a result the group doesn't know each other and is completely unprepared for what they are about to encounter. We will play PBP entirely, no dice or pvp. Checking for interest before I start.