[quote=@Cerberov] [@Vilageidiotx]Around here we base weirdness partly on that, and partly on how much camo you're wearing. If a man with no teeth dressed in camo fatigues walks up to you, you'd better run. [/quote] See, here it would be opposite. I'm an outlier because I own only one camo shirt which I only use for hunting and I have all my teeth but two wisdom teeth. That would make me too soft and nerdy. Also, I never start conversations about trucks. That doesn't help. I think normal would be at least one tooth missing that isn't a wisdom tooth, a no less then one-half of your wardrobe camo, and if you don't have a truck you should at least be seriously browsing craigslist to find one. I suppose that's why my cousin was the first to get married out of all the kids. He owns a truck and wears a lot of Camo. He also is masculine and cool enough to have lost one front tooth, but he is also sensitive and caring enough that he has a fake tooth he wears on formal occasions. But if you loose to many teeth, well... then you're just another tweeker.