Dean or rather Jenny taking the helm and had recently taken over the body of Dean,She was watching the chaos below with the criminals killing and raping taking advantage of the situation and the chaos."A perfect little honey pot of crime...sounds like the perfect place to start my parade of fun.." Jenny said with a smile on her face behind the surgical mask now jumping form the rooftop to the fire escape stairs,"Stop this sister do not do this we need to clear our heads and think right we gotta call the others and get things under control here" Dean said trying to clam his sister down wanting her to follow their no kill code and the code to bring law breakers to jail not their funeral. "I think the time for being a do gooder is far form over brother,You should further your horizon brother and think big this world does not respect us they hate us and in return we show these mortals our strength" Jenny said to her brother completely ignoring his pleas for her to stop when she was already far gone.She moved down the fire escape and onto the streets her smile growing a bit bigger as she saw some looters and a few anarchists smashing police cars. She was on the other side of the city so she wouldn't be disturbed by the goodie goodies that she thinks the other heroes to be,She ran over to the looters using her powers to move the scalpels she held out in her hands to slit the necks of the looters,Once they were dead and hit the floor she turned her attention to the anarchist throwing the scalpels to go straight though the foreheads of the anarchist. Jenny was having a gay old time now killing a rapist trying to rape a women and a car coming right at her cutting the car in half with her powers skipping like a little girl to another trio of looters.