Warpath was glad that he was included in main infiltration, but he kept a neutral look on his face. Adam wanted to see how his teammates did without his help and gauge their competence in the field. After the whole mess with training Warpath wasn't as desperate to be leader since he felt that it just created a split between the team with his and Twilight's rivalry. He was a soldier as well as a leader so for now he would listen and follow the orders that Fenrir gave him. Warpath felt a bit of annoyance when Fenrir snapped at the new recruit Domini, but he remained silent. More angry words were just what they needed, he thought sarcastically to himself. They soon came to the drop zone and Adam disembarked with the rest of his teammates from the aircraft. He looked around at his surroundings and his eyes focused on the temple. His intuition told him that this was their entrance into the lair of the League of Shadows and he followed Fenrir and the others into the temple. It was dark, but his enhanced vision made it easier for him to adjust to the low level of light in the overgrown structure. Warpath felt almost exposed going into a place he didn't have any knowledge about, they were on the League's territory and thus had the advantage in knowing the environment. Eventually they came to an atrium and Adam was impressed by the size of it. He was looking for any signs of their enemies when his excellent hearing picked up on noises that sounded almost like footsteps. Adam was about to say something when Fenrir spoke before him. A dozen assassins dropped down from above them and Warpath created two European style arming-swords, which he held in both of his hands. The assassins sent a hailstorm of Shuriken came at them. Swinging his blades in rapid succession Adam was able to deflected a good number of them and took evasive action to try and dodge the rest. Warpath would then leap towards an assassin and try to slash them across his chest with his energy blades.