[u]Name:[/u] Dominick O'Conell [u]Age:[/u] 30 [u]Gender:[/u] Male [u]Appearance:[/u] [img] http://s17.postimg.org/kxy76fc3z/013_jonathan_rhys_meyers_theredlist.jpg[/img] [u]Background:[/u] On the day of the Purge Dom was stuck in the jail cell of the local Police station, being charged with a car theft and an assault on the police officer. Of course, he thought he did nothing wrong. So, he stole someone's car, what's the big deal? The town was full of them, anyway. But while he was sitting on the ground of that stinky old cell, whistling a melody of a song he couldn't remember the name of, the weirdest thing happened. The cell door that had an electronic lock on it suddenely opened, and the station was left in complete darkness. The power was off, along with the emergency power system that's supposed to be working during a blackout. Dom didn't think about it twice, and took the opportunity of breaking out, only to find out that he was completely alone. No officers to be found, hell, no sign of anything brutal going on. Just silence. He bursted out on the streets, and faced what seemed to be a ghost town. No pedestrians, no signs of possible apocalypse... it all looked like everybody just disappeared, and he was the only one left. But why him? And where did all the people go? Was it all just a dream? He decided to head south, boldly stole a police car (although he couldn't really steal anything if there was no one to steal from), and drove 100 miles to the nearest city, hoping its population of 300.000 people was still the same. However, it was not. The once busy city was now another ghost town. Although, taking free gas and free food at all the gas stations was pretty fun, the feeling of isolation soon began to creep in. He wasn't stupid. And as a street thug and common criminal, he knew that power was always in the numbers. Sure he was more of a lone wolf, when it came to socializing, but being alone in the crowd and being literally the only person left on this world were two completely different things. However, as he continued to roam the empty city of New Orleans, he came across a few others, who seemed to survive whatever happened on the February 22th, 2022. His knowledge of living in the streets, stealing stuff, burglaring, picking the locks, and overall enduring the brutal sides of life soon proved to be exactly what a group of confused and terrified souls needed in order to survive the New World.