Sel could not help but notice that something was bothering Kaite, something that was distracting him from what was at hand, or maybe it was this very fact that was bringing something up? Either way Sel could not help the chimera until he told her the truth but even this was becoming deeper than she was expecting, taking her out of her depth for her first time in ages. [color=fdc68a][b]"Ok then. I tell you what we will do"[/b][/color] She turned around, grabbing a small bracelet like device and once again entering the drug draw as she affectionately called it. She placed it beside him before showing him the pill bottle next [color=fdc68a][b]"These on the other hand will help you to sleep if you have ploblems."[/b][/color] She placed the bottle next to the device. [color=fdc68a][b]"Without seeing it myself I cannot give you anything for it"[/b][/color] If she gave him the wrong drugs it could mess him up even more after all... [color=00aeef][i][b]“All crewman; a mandatory meeting concerning the current operation in-progress has been scheduled in the Briefing room in fifteen minutes. Guide lights for the Briefing room have been lit for new members for their convenience.”[/b][/i][/color] Giving off a sigh, Sel would have liked to talk about this fact a little more but with the captains call they had little choice in the matter. [color=fdc68a][b]"We will continue this talk later. For now let us finally get all the information we need on this little mission shall we?" [/b][/color]At times she wished she could give a proper smile like human, but her own type of one was good enough for now.