Here is what I have down and made...ish i kept some of Un stuff but only a bit maybe, like the intro because it seems that Unw wrote best described it so I only added and edited it.... still not yet done but ya...any suggestions? [hider=here] [center][img] [/img][/center] [b][i][center]Orean Cause…[/center][/i][/b] From brochures to contest prizes to luck… advertisements, family tradition, etc etc… there are many things that could have brought you here in this place. Maybe you were that lucky student who may have won a full scholarship from a raffle or just applied like any regular person would do. The things you would expect as were transferred. Meeting new people, forming bonds together, making your own adventure, hanging out and having fun, transforming your experience in life. You may be scared or angry, many emotions fill you inside with uncertainty but hopefully you will adjust. You could have been here for years already. Making a record to the school or just being a nobody. You might be considered as the most popular boy or girl or best at sports or a regular junkie. You might have your own squad of friends. Or a couple. Or none. You may have met many teachers, some of which you wish they were your parents but aren’t…and some you might believe they are the devil itself. You might be the human punching bag. You might be the person who throws punches at the said bag, and has detention everyday. Or you are just a lazy bum who cares for nothing but themselves. You could be a teacher who has been teaching for years, dealing with delinquents and brutes, trying to control a class while teaching, stopping kids from smoking in campus…all that sorts. Or you love teaching and care not about these distractions and only care for your students. Or you are just new to the school, looking a bright future ahead for you in your teaching career, hoping to lend your knowledge to young students hoping to learn but end up drunk and crying over how hard it is to teach one class. Or just maybe you were given the job because needed money and you were desperate. You might have this gift know as "magic", "superpowers", "curse", or whatever mumbo jumbo party trick related with these things. Maybe you are able to transform to flying creatures or beast or maybe just a gerbil or you can fly so high in the sky. You may actually have a power but you haven't used it to its true highest. Or maybe you just don’t know yet if you do have the power truly yet but maybe in due time you will. How did you even find you special talent? You might be born in a family of wizards and taught you it since you were born. Maybe playing some games until you froze your best friend. Or you got mad, gone hulk crazy and destroyed your own home. Or you were born as a magical deity and were cursed to stay on earth forever! Or science did it. Whatever reason you have. Still, you are considered supernatural, and you decide to see that as good or bad. Or you simply just don't care. A letter was given to you only with these powers to inform you, if you have not received this letter then you don’t have the special gift. If not then maybe you actually don't have that the special gift at all, you simply lived a normal, dealing with family drama or ignoring it. You're just going to live your school life the way it was meant to be but you still don’t know Good or bad, smart or stupid you decide you faith here. That is, if the special kids don't put you in their strange matters. And if they do…. Whether you like it or not you deal with it. Either way, many prospects lie in wait as you decide where you forth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have received an envelope holding a letter, a rulebook and a map. [b][i]Admission Letter[/i][/b] Greetings! We are glad to inform you that you have fulfilled the requirement needed to attend to Orean Cause. May your future shines bright as you enter our school with high hopes. Maybe your plans for the future may come true as you enter here. To be a billionaire, own your own company, raise a family, get all the women or men or both, help with issues. Take note on the following incase needed. 1. We provide dormitories for students who are need of one. You will be paired up with a roommate and it is co-ed. 2. Orean Cause accepts many scholarship programs to fulfill the needs of the troubled, talented, or both. 3. Read the rulebook to inform yourselves the do and don’ts. We hope you have a good time with us in your days of that your dreams would come true. May destiny guide your faith, study and hope. [center]Regards, Orean Cause Administration[/center] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b][i]A small letter was attached to the Acceptances letter[/i][/b] If you have received this letter we would like to inform you that we do know that you might have…unusual gifts that you may hold such as shooting out fire from your hands or talking to plants or even smashing building into two with a single flick of the finger. We would like to keep that special gift hidden during the daytime or at least in school. We can not [b]ALLOW[/b] the world to know about the magic you hold, it may cause panic, controversy to science or even they might use you lab rats. For the safety of the other students and faculty…and yourself don’t expose your self to the world. If you do….you can say that the ones who have exposed themselves…they were taken cared off. So in fair warning, do not expose it. On the other hand if you can’t properly control your power we offer an extra curricular activity for you, every Saturday at 1 pm in the school’s gymnasium we hold training practice. Teachers with powers who will help you control you abilities and possibly teach you more about them. This would hopefully help you control them or discover more about yourself. Just sign this letter below and you will be admitted to the Orean Cause Training Day program or OCTD. Do not tell anyone who doesn’t know about magic about the OCTD. Thank you and high hopes for your future. [center]Regards, Orean Cause Administration[/center] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [center][img][/img][/center] [hider= History of Orean Cause] Orean Cause was constructed during the 18th century by a group of pioneers who discovered the land while searching for settlement. It was first the town hall but it burned down after two months of its construction. Many rumors and tales were told in how the academy was used to be a hospital or ancient burial grounds but never were confirmed. The building never changed exteriorly only in the inside it did. An old looking school at the outside yet a complex and very modernize school in the inside. It became one of the most famous school on the land, almost being the countries national school. Even though it’s a very grand school it is quite open to the public with scholarship offers and lenders causing a high population there. The discovery of the supernatural of the school was in the late 19th century after a small incident that changed the school system to cope with the supernatural or the weird. Though instead of trying to get rid of it they allowed some of the supernatural to stay unless they can act human to the public eye. [/hider] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Greetings![/b] Hi!! My name is destiny as you can see and stuff XD You might have seen this multiple times already but once more we are restarting! After a number of people left without saying anything we decided to restart a new one. Me co-gm here is theEvilSnowman. I am not really good in words but I have the heart for it! Also sorry if my grammar is bad…English is not my first language…I am glad that you are interested in this RP! As you can see this is a very open and free style (Not in typing or writing) rp, anything can happen! With permission of course that is very important! We treat each other like family and respect is needed. This is still my first rp to gm for the idea it self but I learned a lot from before and I stronger than ever! I am a very kind person…a bit to kind but don’t test me though I can be stand up very well as well! Also I am very open to a lot of things. There are something I would not tolerate but I am not shutting them off. You can contribute plot ideas and hopefully we can build a good community here! You can post your Cs already here if you do want to. I want to build a community off Rpers together here and hopefully we can all bond together! Lets make social links! (Persona!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]The Law!! (Read them first!!)[/b] 1. No godmodding, no powerplaying, blah, blah. Yeah, we all know this one. Also… No Gary or Mary sues… 2. [b]NO FIGHTINGIN THE OOC!! Keep it in the pms please and if not then I have to bring my war hammer!![/b] [img][/img] 3. Please consider if you will stick around with us, instead of just leaving suddenly and cluttering the Character tab. Don’t leave people without telling them at least. 4. Unless you can provide a valid argument, my and the co-GMs' words are absolute. (The Gm is very soft but the co-gms are tough so good luck breaking to them…) 5. No speedposting, no posts less than 4 lines. It is in the causal section isn’t it? -^- 6. If me and the co-GMs ask you to stop doing something bad, [b]STOP[/b]. In the name of love! 7. 5 characters maximum. GO crazy!! 8. Some plots may occur at some point in time. Feel free to contribute ideas. A plot Cs is provided if you need help ^^ 9. If you want to get real kinky (bow chica wow wow) and want to get detailed about it, take it to the PM because mods and work. 10. Put your sheets in the OOC for review, instead of putting it directly to the Characters tab and cluttering it. 11. When you want to do something with another person’s character you need to ask permission first! No puppeting unless they allow it! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [hider=CS sheet!] Appearance: (First the human or humanize appearance of your character then if they have another form that as well. Also put in the height and weight of the character as well.) Name: (their full name…if they have one o-o.) Nickname: (Something easier to call them) Species: (Are you human or some sort of weird creature?) Age: (For human students, you can be a grade school age but for more recommendation purposes high school to college ages are better. For human teachers, above 22. Emphasis on human since some age differently.) Sex: (Male, female, trap, trans, both, non binary…any really o-o) Job: (Staff characters only. Be a teacher or a janitor its all up to you!) Powers: (Magical characters only but if you character has a power but doesn’t know it yet you can put it there as well. Also if you participating in the OCTD then put a smiley face like this :D after listing the power) Weaknesses: (Optional for regular humans, obligatory for anything else. For specification like fears or allergies or what they just can’t stand.) Personality: (Character behavior. Short or long up to you.) Skills: (Talents or something your character is really good at) Hobbies: (What do they like to do on their spare time?) Background: (Any length, as long as it comes with an explanation for enrolling in the Orean Cause.) -------------- Optionals: (anything else you want to add here, you have an option to put it or not such as in likes and dislikes) Likes: Dislikes: Theme song: Clubs:(Do they have an extracurricular activity the like to do?) Dreams: (What to they dream for?) [/hider] Notes: - Certain characters, such as the Headmistress and the vice Headmaster can be controlled by me and the co-GMs. - Feel free to show off your characters' powers right away!! –sarcastic voice- Don’t reveal it yet! -Outside the school wall, is a semi modernize suburban area with a couple of shopping district and further on that is very modernize shibuya, new york style city. What the semi modernize suburban area look like a bit… [hider=:D] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider] [/hider]