While Luna moves toward thé senkaimon. A hell butterfly returned giving authorization. She sent it on to the Kido corps letting them know to prep the seal That would adorn her body unless she had true nend to authorize her full power. The senkaimon was already open. Ready for her to pass through. Luna shot through and as she did thé seal slapped her arm. Luna was looking out over town. Trying to get a feel for all the souls to follow a ribbon. But the hollow ribbon she found had another weird one near it. Flying through the air until Luna was above the lizard. Deciding ambush tactics were the best bet. So luna began dual incanting "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring, bears the name of Man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens." performing the double incantation of raikoho and soren sokatsui releasing three giant pillars of lightning down upon the hollow lizard. Granted their power limited by her seal. Dropping onto the ground in front of the hollow noting the other soul and calling out. "I am Luna Heron. Please back away this is a very dangerous place to be."