Good morning! Thank you for taking te time to read this thread. If I still have your attention let's get started. ^^ * I do not roleplay in first person. I just enjoyed setting the plot in first person. I will reply to the roleplay in third person past tense.* [i]This kingdom was hideous compared to my father's. Back at home there were rolling green hills filled with family farms and little cottage style homes. The land seemed to stretch forever, with only a small town in the very middle to accommodate our civilians. The town held a few small buildings- a marketplace, a blacksmith, a doctor, and a few ther necessary places along with a medium sized old castle where my father and I resided. But this kingdom- it was surrounded in block walls that cut off your view of the land. The entire inside of the barriers was packed with large homes and an enormous castle where the king and his family resided. I shouldn't pretend like that was my home anymore. This overcrowded kingdom was now where I stayed. I have been trying to tell myself I could escape and go back to my beautiful homeland, but that was a lie I told myself to ease the immense depression welling inside of me. I looked though the bars of the window I sat behind. Bartruvia was not a home, it was ugly and reeked of power-hungry rulers- like the newly mandated king himself. My father's kingdom- Kaliptus- had a treaty of peace with the king of Bartruvia, but when the king died so did the treaty. The prince was quick to move into our land, and with us not having but one-third the men as Bartruvia we were easily taken. And that is why I am looking through the window bars of the Bartruvian prison. I believe it has been around three weeks since I have arrived here, but eventually all of you days just start running together. My father was taken to the prince- I could not pray he was still alive. But the prince hadn't even requested to see me yet. I had met him as a little girl when our families would get together to renew the treaty each year win a large celebration of sorts. But as he had gotten older he had stopped attending these. I know all too well what the prince plans to do with me. He dared not kill an innocent princess or risk rebellion from his civilians and army- he knew that. So he would enslave me. He would attempt to force me into marriage so that he could put on a show for his followers. With our marriage he could reassure his people that "merging" land with Kaliptus was for the best and that everything was going well. The prince could lie and say none of the civilians were harmed and yet the the royal family is in his house as his guests and no one would know except his loyal and mute army. I, however, was not going to allow that to happen. I would scream to his people how he killed many and enslaved the rest! How he is a brutal, power-hungry sadist who needs to be stopped! But my thoughts were shortly lived as I heard a sound I normally only heard twice a day for my meals- the cell door lock clicked open. And inside of my cell comes two armed men- their identities shaded by full body armor. They grab my arms and drag me out of the prison. The sudden light from midday sun burns my sensitive eyes. I was chained inside the back of a covered horse-drawn wagon so the public did not see me as I was. I was sure they believed I was in the prince's castle eating lunch with my father and carrying on small coversations about the pleasant weather. I knew exactly where they were taking me. It was time for me to face the devil himself.[/i] I am looking for someone to fill the role of the prince who became the king. I only have a few requests for this character: - Be comfortable with blood, gore, violence, and a Dominant character. - Be 18+ because although the plot is not based off mature content I'm sure it will contain some. - Be able to post at least once a day. - If you get tired of it- tell me. Maybe we can work something out or we can just call it quits. I would raher be told than to be left high and dry. - I consider myself low casual.. Normally I post two to five paragraphs, depending on circumstance and what I am given to reply to. - Someone who can help create some plot twists and drama! I love a roleplay that has you sitting on the edge of your seat. -I am NOT looking for a member of the grammar or spelling police. If I've made a huge typo feel free to ask me to alter it. I will be doing most of my replies on the run so I probably will have some small typos from time to time. If you're interested feel free to PM me! ^^