Anna smiled and returned his kiss. "I know we will. I just.." She hesitated for a moment, "if I was a proper woman and stayed home." She lowered her voice. "I could give you children already, but with this war we can't even risk it again. We don't really know when this will end." She refused to leave his side in this all. She had thought about it many times, but she knew leaving his side, leaving their units side would kill her. But it was starting to get to her that she wasn't one of the women back home, because all of their other plans were on hold until this was over. She couldn't become pregnant while they were on leave, she had to stay though. His hands made her heart skip a beat all the same. She blushed, knowing that he could touch her like this in public was still erotic on it's own. She gave him a little nod with a smile and returned to her meal. The jealous looks now distracted by a few men in uniform. They were men of war. She finished the last few bites of her dinner and sipped her wine as she found her comfort as she always did up against Tom. "I love you my dear Tom, and nothing will change that." She kissed his cheek. She couldn't wait to spend the night with him.