[center][h2]Camille Mahroug - Viens[/h2][/center] Camille jumped in surprise when the ghostly apparition actually appeared next to her, floating as if she had been there for a while. That was scary, or at least it made her heart race strong enough to keep her on high alert from now on. The blonde teen would then proceed to releasing her thoughts about the matter, rejecting the idea of taking sides and telling Camille to take a hike, pretty much. The age manipulator wouldn't be too happy when hearing this, she almost felt insulted really. It didn't help when some new guy showed up out of nowhere to take control of the situation. He wanted to apprehend her and have her surrender calmly as if they had some kind of upper hand on the situation. Camille was smart enough to know they were far from having any form of pressure on her, but it still irritated her. She'd give a quick, provocative glare at Spectrum, pretty much challenging him to stop her. Camille wasn't as Jolly this time, quite the contrary she wanted to end this quickly as she knew what was going to happen in not too long. "[b]Choosing sides? ... Did you see what's in there?[/b]" She pointed right at the Reformist HQ, the beaten up building with cracks ornamenting the stone walls and the many gutted our hallways of the facility protruding out of the ground and roofs. She was going to have at least Ann realize there was no such things as sides anymore, that there was just the Underground and the rest of the world against all metas. With that rhetorical question, she slowly approached Ariadne while leaving Ann's latest advice to the oubliette. "[b]Okay, I'll be cash with you. The Reformists are finished. They can't even defend their own, let alone citizens... Viens, come closer.[/b]" She'd more or less order the young girl, giving a quick glance at her spectral form. From what she could tell, most of the talking came from that Ghost, but it felt more natural to address the physical form. She stopped walking, waiting for the younger female meta to do close the rest of the distance.