I really like the idea actually. Try and put this all in perspective; we're going on a manhunt in a world where the fastest way to send word is horse and shouting really loudly, except in rare magical cases. No internet, no pictures so a Wanted poster is iffy at best. On top of that, he escaped west over the sea, to one of three continental bodies, one of which consists of a thousand+ islands. Not only are you gonna need people who are skilled enough to actually kill the guy, you're gonna need geniuses in plenty of fields. Maybe your character spent much time overseas in his expeditions of youth, he might be an expert in the language, or maybe even just have a very good friend/trusted family member on that side of the world with the connections the party would need. The possibilities are (almost) endless. And thats just characters who want to see the guy die; it is perfectly viable to have someone who would want the opposite fate for Asyrdar. As I made clear in the little bit that I have written, the character Im playing (Marcus) is completely on the fence as to what he will do when he sees him. It is up to you how he or she can get involved in this invite-only hunt. Now I just have to finish up the first info post lol