[h3]Myrn Vaan'Atisha[/h3] Myrn showed up to Tyrael's office just in time to hear him explain the mission. While Myrn has never been to Tidehome she has seen a lobster before in the markets of Eania. Big creatures, from the size of her foot to a dog. She wasn't sure what kind Tyrael wanted them to find, but she was confident that they could get one. The only hard part would be finding them, because from what she remembered it takes a specialized fisherman to actually find these bottom dwellers. Myrn knew how to swim, but she was more used to swimming in a river or lake, not the sea. [color=fff79a]"Hmm..."[/color] The elf followed Baulder and Tyrael to the forge. Her sword would be useful against bandits and the like, but if they were going to capture one of these lobsters alive Myrn wanted to get a cage or something. And since they were sea creatures she figured a box or a barrel that could contain sea water would be needed as well. Lastly, Myrn could use a bow and arrow. She only had her blade, and while she was confident in it's use, she wanted to make sure she had a ranged option as well. If these lobsters prove more difficult to catch, than it may just be easier to shoot them and try not to kill them with the first shot. She's done that plenty of times before; she was hunter after all. One of their hallmark skills was being able to subdue a target nonlethaly. [color=fff79a]""Excuse me, Sir Tyrael, you have a bow and arrows I could use? And perhaps something we can use to keep the lobster in? A cage, or a barrel, or something?"[/color]