[i][b]Hellooooooo[/b]ooooo[/i]oooo friends I am bean. Please don't let the informality of this search scare you away I swear to god when I rp I write better than this [s]unless my character talks like i do at which point the dialogue might be like this orz[/s] . [hider=A little more aboutme] I'm in high school, I run on pst, I am, according to friends, the biggest weeb nerdlord to exist. I've been RPing since I was... either 7 or 8, and I've gone through a lot of sites (neopets, club penguin, gaia, tinier me). I have a "give what I get" policy, where I try to match my partners' level of writing- if they're writing one liners, I'll eventually end up giving one liners back. Paragraphs? Shit son i might be a bit short but I'll be damned if I cant make it beautiful and interesting. I prefer semi-advanced rping, but honestly I can work with anything. Swearing is abso-fuckin-lutely ok with me, as well. I'm pretty long winded at times, too (best displayed by how godawful this thread is im so sorry), but hey if ya want me to back off I can back off. What else...??? I usually manage at least one post per day. I'm genderfluid (born with a ho hah diddly do), I love coming up with funny names for things (read: ho hah diddly do). I am making a webcomic- it's called SnoopQuest. It's on Tapastic, and it's still in progress. If you're lookin at it, don't fret, the lack of detail is a stylistic choice and will be gone here in a few pages. [/hider] I write casual-advanced but you know what I need to get back in the swing of things. so please, please come at me with your rp ideas or pick one of mine that I've listed (and I'll keep listing them too, so check back now and again) and rp with ime i really really need to rp. Like, [i]baddddddly[/i]. I can handle a small group rp i think, though I gotta be honest here i haven't done one of those in a long time. [s]I mean like god ive been rping for like 10 or 11 years before this point but i took a damn hiatus and uuuuugh there goes everything annd oooooooh god im going stir crazy i swear[/s] I'm 19 and I kinda want people to be at least 18? but you know what i could handle some mature youngins, so long as they dont mind my grandma syndrome. But, yeah, some "no's", cause we all love our no's. [i]Anything[/i] is game except: -furries -the naughties. The night time. The dirties. The fleshy, sweaty [s]fun[/s] time. -I can't write mXm well so i steer away from it. -one liners -canon characters (friends im sorry i literally cant be a canon I am too porous and will probably not do well) -Most fandom rps arent my flavor and i cannot i am sorry [s]Looovin's [/s] [hider= WHAT I GOT:] [s]I said remember that[/s] ♦[s]Modern-day setting. Big city. Magic runs rampant, and coexists beside technology.Almost everyone uses magic, save for a few who can't. One character can't use magic due to their family curse- A curse which, if they want something, they get a ludicrous amount of it (or, if it's too big or too rare, cans of pennys), and otherwise renders them unable to do magic, and live life as we do. Another is a person who uses magic constantly. That character gets bored, writes a letter, teleports it to wherever, and before the rp begins, the two characters meet and become penpals- with the non-magic user having her neighbor or someone teleport the letter back or something. The two eventually meet up and go on an adventure to remove the family curse (and, later, find out why it was put on the first characters' family in the first place). [/s] (based on a rp i did way back when tinierme was a thing; at least 3 years ago) ♦Two characters. A wanted thief, and a strange human, not of the world (or, well, culture clash from a very, very distant land). 100% fantasy setting. Weirdo is unable to do magic, but can do the rare art of alchemy, at a cost to his stamina (think FMA type alchemy, but nerf'd). Weirdo was working on a way to make a lot of money to take care of their family, but accidentally teleports to the thief, in the middle of a heist/murder. idk what the thief does, but the weirdo gains the thiefs' interest. They then go out on a journey to get a maguffin- I haven't decided what but its not gonna be easy- for the alchemist to take home AND a way for them to make a portal home, in exchange for helping the thief leave. (based on a rp i did way back when tinierme was a thing; at least 3 years ago) ♦Two characters, both kidnapped by some shady organization. They were (human)child lab rats, testing a process that allows a human to jump into anything connected to the internet, and leave out another thing connected to the internet. They were deemed failures, put into the foster care system together. Several years after, it turns out the process was a success, and they turn into the most notorious thieves of the 21st century. A great many heists later, the police/interpol catch on, and end up cutting the internet out to their newest heists' location. One makes the other go, trapping themselves to be caught by the police. The scientists get to that character, warning them/showing them about the sh*tty side effects of their powers- they're leaving bits of themselves in the internet, and eventually will become fully trapped in the internet if they do not stop and get stabilized. That character (I'm gonna call them A) goes to warn the other, who's already been picked up by really really REALLY bad mafia, and is in really really REALLY deep debt. The journey is getting the two back to get stabilized, what happens when they are, and maybe what happens after. ♦Two characters, modern(ish) day sci-fi. A war has been going on in space, unbeknownst to those of us on earth. An imperialistic race of aliens had set out to claim all they could, leaving every race they displaced either dead, dying, or out for blood. The imperial aliens discover earth, setting out to capture it, only to have their first contact be foiled by the earth's' defenses- not only the natural ones, like the magnetic field, but also the man-made ones, like missiles and emp waves. We start out with one character, who lives at least on the edge of nowhere, with the other character crashing down in their property. ♦ Two characters, somewhere between scifi and modern. Character A is a well-intentioned scientist/inventor/hermit who lives in a little town in the middle of nowhere. They live alone- sans their creations on a hill- in an overbuilt home that's been in the family since the town was made. The townspeople loathe the scientist, believing them to be "mad", partially because of the stigma of what the scientists' family did in the past, partially because A's experiments get out every now and again and cause significant damage to the town. Years go by, and after a recent disaster, the townspeople finally figure out how to report the scientist to the S.M.P.B.; the Scientist Madness Prevention Bureau. Enter character B- A representative scientist from the S.M.P.B., that, due to the family history of madness in A's family, is sent to live-in and report on A's activities for a month, assessing their threat level. They then discover a horror lurking in a hidden basement, from the first of A's family. They accidentally awaken/stabilize it, and it gets out, making the pair go on a chase to figure out how to neutralise it, stop it from reproducing, and save the world. [/hider]