Ricki was oddly thankful to have Andrews first period, especially with the drama going on around school. She was going to slid into the skid as best she could, that was, until, it inevitably got to her. The background coughs about Jared actually got to her. He wasn't part of any of this, ad he didn't deserve any of the shit he was getting. And Gabe was rightfully passing her off by not doing anything other than twiddling his thumbs, so to speak. Would she have to do this all herself? Her journal was opened, and though she wasn't fully focusing on the classwork at hand, She was writing up more dialogue for the project. As best she could, she was trying to gauge MacBeth to a modern mob vibe, and it would definitely be an A worthy project before the end. Her phone vibrated in her jacket pocket, something She was growing accustomed to ignoring. She had a feeling it was more messages about what ensued the day before. Between her and Gabe, and the shit that went down with David and Jared, Ricki couldn't be sure what to expect, but she did know this. Let them try their hardest to get her to say something wrong, she was ready to play this game. Far too ready. -- Her next class, Art, was where it began, but she had Maureen and Krista to back her there. It was the first taste people were getting of this part of her. "So, Ricki," one of the guys in front of her began when Dancy took a call in class. If she remembered right, his name was Nick, "What's your deal with going from little angel to this?" Krista looked to Ricki who had bit her lip. "You are aware as to what they say, right?" She asked, and he gave her a look. "You didn't know? All good girls have a bad streak, and it's about time I get to live mine out." "So... what are you doing tonight?" He asked, and a few girls shot Ricki looks, but her answer got some giggles. "Oh," she began, a smirk on her face, "you see, I have standards, [I]doll[/I]. And let's be honest, you don't meet any of them." "A slit with standards?" A girl behind her scoffed. Maureen turned. "At least she makes it known she has standards, unlike you. You've slept with what? Half the basketball team?" The girl sent a glare and Ricki just smiled to herself as she continued on with her sketch. Krista nudged her, and Ricki looked to her. "You sure you're going to be able to hold this up?" She whispered and Ricki nodded. "Well, with Gabe flaking out on this whole ordeal and trying to be invisible, one of us has to own it. Besides, it's just a bit of acting. We were in Drama club for three years." She hushed her reply. "I just worry about you." She said, and Ricki nodded. "I know, and I appreciate it." She nodded, looking at Krista's sketch. "Wanna trade for a bit? I am a little stuck on mine and you've been going over the same line for a while." "Thought you'd never ask." -- Lunch came relatively quick, but Ricki was glad that her fourth period teacher let them go a little early, so she managed to slip into the lunch room with little attention. Krista and Maureen weren't far behind, but as the room began to fill, eyes were everywhere, and Maureen sighed. "Did you see what's going around?" She asked, flipping her phone toward Ricki and Krista. A tasteless video of Golddigger with Jared in the back. "Wow, real creative." Ricki faked her enthusiasm a little too badly as Krista chuckled. "Hey, at least it's better than the other videos.going around about you." She said, and Ricki rolled her eyes. "You know, I think my favorite.one was, Oh wait, I have them all equally." Ricki said, and Maureen leaned over the table. "Be ready for some real shit." She said, and Ricki tossed a look to her before she saw Carl and Jared join them. The Question came as a slight bit of surprise to her, but she nodded. "Company is good." She answered, "Especially when it's good company." Krista nodded. "Amen to that. Where's super puss?" "Probably barking up Heather's tree. I don't see what his deal is anyway." Ricki rolled her eyes, and soon a hand clapped her shoulder, and she turned her head to see, um.., Nick, god she needed to remember his name. He was there, and she sighed, deciding to ignore him, though he was there. "So, Jared, I have some notes for you to look over on our project, if you want to look them over now." She said. "Ricki?" The male voice came, gentle turning her shoulder towards him. "Oh, where are.my manners? Did you need something?" She asked. "Yeah, what are you doing tonight?" His question echoed from earlier, and she sighed. "I'm busy, actually." She said, and one of the guys buddies came up. "Too busy for this guy? Really? Just like you were [I]busy[/I] with Montgomery?" The guy quipped, but Nick shook his head. "Nah, looks like her flavor of the week is this guy here."Nick said, "if you didn't know." It struck a nerve, and Ricki stood. "Well, at least I don't prey on those who already have issues. As if either of you haven't had a moment of weakness. In fact, didn't I pull the two of you out of one the closets when you were both drunk at a party a few weeks back. Talk about embarrassing." She said, and it got a few looks, including from the two before her. Krista stood, "Ricki, they're not worth it." "Be that as it may, I don't think should get by with what they were saying." She's aid. "At least we're not easy." Nick coughed, and Ricki bit her lip, and she nodded. "Really? I'm easy because I slept with one guy? Oh god. Call the police, I guess it's a crime all of a sudden. When you get the full story, then maybe you have some right to say something." She quipped, sitting back down, and Krista shot a look over to another table and the guys backed off. Ricki had barely noticed the eyes.on them, and Maureen stood. "What are all of [I]you[/I] looking at?" She hissed, and.gradually the onlookers went back about their conversations. "Ricki?" Krista asked. "Are you okay?" Ricki nodded. "Yeah. Just sucks is all." She pulled out her journals, and Krista looked at the others. "C'mon guys, I know a better place we can eat lunch." She said, standing. Ricki looked up to her. "Besides, we're all too good for this shit anyway, too petty." Ricki sighed, picking up her journals, as Krista grabbed her hand and looked to Jared. "Well, c'mon, don't you two have an English project to work on?" She said as she nearly dragged Ricki ahead. "Babe, you don't have to keep it up. Its bothering you." "No, what bothers me is that Jared got pulled into this because David is psycho right now. He has absolutely nothing to do with this. And I know it's my fault that it happened. Right now is when I wish my brothers were still going to school here ,then all I'd have to do is say the word and It would go away." She said, and Krista gave her a look. "Babe." She said, opening the Art room door and she saw Ricki smile a bit, Maureen half dragging Carl behind them. "Really, Krissy?" She asked. "This is further off than the choir room." Ricki pointed out, and she sat in her usual seat, looking down as she opened her journals. Peace and quiet, for the moment.